- 国头号企业销售培训师的销售建议直截了当、简单易行,给全世界数以千计的公司企业提供了帮助。在本篇中史蒂芬·谢夫曼提示了自己在培训顶级推销员过程中亲历的25条销售策略。这些高明实用的技巧,可以帮助你建立、拓展及维持客户关系,还会帮助你提高销售业绩。-States top the sales training division sales proposals straightforward, simple, to the thousands of companies worldwide providi
- 实现二分查找,伙伴存储管理系统是一种巧妙而有效的方法-Realization of binary search, partnerships storage management system is a clever and effective method
- 数控直流稳压电源源程序 本设计由两个电路模块构成:直流稳压源电路(+15V,+5V,-15V),程控电路。并且巧妙得反置使用D/A变换器。使程控输出电压0-9.9手动可调,步距为0.2V。并可预置电压值,采用LED同步显示。-NC DC power source circuit of the design of two modules: the source DC circuit (+15 V,+5 V,-15V), program-controlled circuit. And clever
- 里面有了巧妙的方法提高了脑电信号分类准确性,有做EEG分类的可以看看。-There has been a clever way to improve the classification accuracy of EEG, and EEG classification can be done to see.
- 图论的一些基本思想,以及一些巧妙的算法和思维-Graph theory, some basic ideas, as well as some clever algorithms and thinking
- 线段树的基本介绍以及相关的算法介绍,还有巧妙的算法-Segment tree algorithm and relevant introduction, there are clever algorithm
- 你需要加强质量控制的对象是人(敏捷、聪明和有创造性的程序员)--而不是一些集中的流水线机器,或者那些只能胜任简单的、程序化任务的劳动力-You need to strengthen the quality control of the object is (quick, clever and creative programmers)- rather than focus on the pipeline a number of machines, or those who can only do
- 二维码 (2-dimensional bar code) 是用某种特定的几何图形按一定规律在平面(二维方向上)分布的黑白相间的图形记录数据符号信息的;在代码编制上巧妙地利用构成计算机内部逻辑基础的“0”、“1”比特流的概念,使用若干个与二进制相对应的几何形体来表示文字数值信息,通过图象输入设备或光电扫描设备自动识读以实现信息自动处理: 二维条码/二维码能够在横向和纵向两个方位同时表达信息,因此能在很小的面积内表达大量的信息。-Two-dimensional code (2-dimensional
- Hacking (English verb to hack, singular noun a hack) refers to the re-configuring or re-programming of a system to function in ways not facilitated by the owner, administrator, or designer. The term(s) have several related meanings in the technology
- An excellent book to explain in details the optimization algorithm based on nature.
- 巧妙实现 Form 表单认证跨站点、跨服务器的单点登录-Clever the Form forms authentication cross site, cross-server single sign-on
- 大致内容是提出了一个叫做暗原色先验的东西来对有雾图像进行处理,十分巧妙,有兴趣者可以看看。这里使用OpenCV实现文中的去雾算法,对致力于图像处理方面的人士有很大帮助。-The general content is presented foggy image to a thing called dark colors priori, very clever, those interested can look at. Using OpenCV to defogging algorithm in
- 关于本手册 jusr 02.txtj Vim第一步 jusr 03.txtj 移动 jusr 04.txtj 小幅改动 jusr 05.txtj 定制你的Vim jusr 06.txtj 使用语法高亮 jusr 07.txtj 编辑多个文件 jusr 08.txtj 分隔窗口 jusr 09.txtj 使用GUI jusr 10.txtj 大刀阔斧 jusr 11.txtj 灾难恢复 jusr 12.txtj 奇技淫巧-About the this m
- 消除50Hz工频干扰数字滤波器的设计,设计思路很巧妙,程序很小很好用-Eliminate the 50Hz frequency interference digital filter design, design ideas is very clever, good program is very small
- 控制4个舵机 算法巧妙 简单易懂 非常适合初学者-Control four servos clever algorithm
- RFID刷卡设计使用说明,本人精心制作,功能巧妙,适用于发开ID刷卡技术人员参考。-RFID card design instructions, I elaborate, function is clever, applicable to send ID card technical personnel reference.
- This certification exam of ssd4 all right answers from KZ, year 2009. Don t cheat, i hope that help to you be clever students.-This is certification exam of ssd4 all right answers from KZ, year 2009. Don t cheat, i hope that help to you be clever stu
- x-gold213 xmm2130 baseband processor specifications in clever english language.