Software Testing
- Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready fo
- This article introduces how to construct a Hospital Ward Information System with three-tiered technology. The System applies to UML, BDE, MIDAS, distributed compute theory and a special architecture to make such functions: patients check in and check
Pedestrian Detection and Tracking for Counting Applications
- This paper describes a vision based pedestrian detection and tracking system which is able to count people in very crowded situations like escalator entrances in underground stations. The proposed system uses motion to compute regions of interest and
- This contribution provides functions for finding an optimum parameter set using the evolutionary algorithm of Differential Evolution. Simply speaking: If you have some complicated function of which you are unable to compute a derivative, and you want
- This folder contains two simple functions (zerocross and energy) to compute STE and STZCR. The scr ipt zcr_ste_so.m uses these two and other functions (included) to compute the STE and STZCR of the word so . See the respective functi
- Blocking CoThe aim of this toolbox is to compute blocking probabilities in WDM networks. This work was based on [1], [2], [3], [4] and user is referred to those papers for deeper study. Because WDM networks are circuit switched loss networks bl
- Feature extraction is a key issue in contentbased image retrieval (CBIR). In the past, a number of texture features have been proposed in literature, including statistic methods and spectral methods. However, most of them are not able to accu
- 计算给定矩阵的互信息,这时的相关性是利用互信息来判断,矩阵的形式为邻接矩阵-compute the mutual information of the given matrix such as the matrix the elements in it are 0 or 1.
- 电缆遥测传输是测井系统传输数据的主要方式。针对测井电缆传输速率低、 带宽窄等瓶颈问题 ,提出应用 ADSL 宽带网络接入的离散多音频调制(DMT)技术进行电缆传输的调制和解调 ,从理论上对此技术进行了详细分析 ,并 通过计算机仿真试验 ,证明该方法对于提高电缆的频带利用率是可行的。-Cable telemetry transmit is a main way of data transmission in well logging systems. In this paper , due
- SAMPLE CRC CALCULATIONS This document contains ‘C’ language coding examples that illustrate how to compute the DNP3 CRC.-SAMPLE CRC CALCULATIONS This document contains ‘C’ language coding examples that illustrate how to compute the DNP3 CRC.
- a reviews chip architecture of H264 s coder and decoder. and describe the compute requirement in details-a reviews chip architecture of H264 s coder and decoder. and describe the compute requirement in details
- Every signal can be written as a sum of sinusoids with di® erent amplitudes and frequencies. The MATLAB command to compute the Fourier Transform and its inverse are respectively ® t and i® t
- function [a_width-1 : 0] DWF_div_uns // Function to compute the unsigned quotient // synopsys map_to_operator DIV_UNS_OP // synopsys return_port_name QUOTIENT input [a_width-1 : 0] A input [b_width-1 : 0] B reg [a_width
- Introduction Newmarkbeta method to compute the dynamic structure problems using finite element method.
- The real and imaginary components of a complex Gabor filter are phase sensitive, i.e., as a consequence their response to a sinusoid is another sinusoid (see Figure 1.2). By getting the magnitude of the output (square root of the sum of squared
- 运用MATLAB编程并结合simulink解决简单的电路问题。 自选题目:图1所示为典型的直流电阻电路[3], 含有电压控制的受控电流源VCCS,其中,R1=1Ω,R2= 2Ω, R3=3Ω,US=10V, IS=15A, VCCS= ,现需分析计算电流i1和电压u2 -Combined with the use of MATLAB simulink program to solve simple circuit problems. Optional Title: Figure 1 sh
- 非常著名的哈工大自然语言处理的教授刘挺的有关社会计算的PPT-Social Compute of Liu Ting
- software use to compute wheelchair speed
- 云计算数据中心网络技术,总体描述云计算的概况-cloud compute data center network technology
- 循环计算当前点与数据集中各个起始点的经纬度距离-compute the distance between two places with its altitude and longtitude