- Reduced State Adaptive SISO Algorithms for Serially Concatenated CPM over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels
- Reduced State Adaptive SISO Algorithms for Serially Concatenated CPM
- An effective technique to improve wireless communication performance is transmit diversity.In this transmitter diversity using a new combination of space-time block codes (STBCs) concatenated with orthogonal frequency division.
- 交织编码是一种信道改造技术,它通过信号设计将一个原来属于突发差错的有记忆信道改造为基本上是独立差错的随机无记忆信道。交织编码作为克服衰落信道中突发性干扰的有效方法,通常和其它用于纠正无记忆独立差错的信道编码相结合构成级联码,广泛应用于当代移动通信。 -Channel interleaved coded is a transformation of technology, which belongs to the original signal design will be a burst e
- Abstruct- We describe novel interleaver and deinterleaver architectures that support bandwidth efficient memory access for decoders of turbo-like codes that are used in conjunction with high order modulations. The presentation focuses on a deco
- 长短信格式介绍文档,英文的,看不懂英文的不愿意学习的请不要下载!(一个程序员如果英语都看不懂那还是算了吧。)长短信编码格式及资料,各种的详细资料含GSM0340/GSM0338/PDU长短信说明,里面有个网页的资料里面有例子,本人以前在公司做长短信的时候,找了很多资料,发现国内的都讲得很含糊,照着做老是实现不了长短信发送,后来找到国外的这个网页,按照其说明一步成功。整理出来给大家以免浪费精力做重复劳动!- concatenated SMS, long sms, short message
- A Soft-Input Soft-Output Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Module to Decode Parallel and Serial Concatenated Codes
- OFDM with Concatenated Codes
- Convolutional codes Turbo codes LDPC codes Parallel Concatenated Codes with Nonuniform Interleaving Random Coding Interpretationof Turbo Codes Characteristics of Turbo Codes Preface to LDPC Codes:Review of Linear Block Cod
- Speech synthesis the process of generating acoustical signal, represented by a sequence of vowels, with particular factual and grammatical meaning. One of the possibilities for speech synthesis is concatenate synthesis, in which prepared partitions o
- In this paper, a robust DWPT based adaptive bock algorithm with modified threshold for denoising the sounds of musical instruments is proposed. The signal is first segmented into multiple blocks depending upon the minimum mean square criteria in each
- 一个关于CCSDS标准的RS级联卷积解码的程序,简单有效-A CCSDS standard RS concatenated convolutional decoding procedures for simple and effective
- In this letter, we consider a half-duplex amplify-andforward two-way relaying network consisting of two sources with each having a single antenna and one relay having two antennas. For such a system, a distributed orthogonal space-time block code (
- In this paper, an effective MAP receiver for concatenated space time block code (STBC) and convolutional code MIMO-OFDM system