- 我希望大家通过我今天的讲话了解到我们有什么样的热情。我一开始是工程师,并不是 搞软件的,我之所以开办一家软件公司是因为我喜欢软件,我也知道大家过去有一段时 间要坐下来写很多的码来保证软件没有bug。我们已经改进了各种工具,帮助成千上万 的开发人员做很好的工作,他们的工作也会影响到上千万、上亿的用户,因此把个人电 脑连接到互联网上的想法实际上是革命性的,它能够极大地提高生产力。我们实际上在 这方面才刚刚开始,我们期待着和在座的所有人进行合作,来抓住这一新的
- 2009年全国大学生电子设计竞赛试题 光伏并网发电模拟装置(A题),2009 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition grid-connected PV simulation device (A question)
- 一种实时高速的八连通区域填充算法,用于连通区域的参考学习-A real-time high-speed eight-connected region filling algorithm for the connectivity of regional reference learning
- inverter- design for grid connected applications
- matlab simulation of grid connected inverter
- With increasing wind penetration in power systems, many national grid codes will demand complete models and simulation studies under different system conditions in order to ensure that the connection of a wind farm will not have a detrimental i
- 新型的单相光伏并网发电装置The new single-phase grid-connected PV installations-The new single-phase grid-connected PV installations
- 总共15篇光伏并网逆变器研究生论文,网上是下不下来的。希望对做光伏方面研究的学生有用。-A total of 15 PV grid-connected inverter graduate dissertations, online is not down. I hope useful for graduate students to make photovoltaic aspects.
- This document is a research paper that presents a study and design of a complete grid connected photovoltaic (PV) system for providing the electrical loads in an emergency health clinic according to their energy requirements.
- Single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems have advantages such as simple topology, high efficiency, etc. However, since all the control objectives such as the maximum power point tracking (MPPT), synchronizationwith the utility volt
- 采用基于连通域(四连通域和八连通域)的方法对图像中的文字进行检测-Detection of the text in the image based on the connected domain (four-connected domain and eight-connected domain) method
- 光伏并网逆变器主动式孤岛检测优化控制方法的研究-Photovoltaic grid-connected inverter active islanding detection optimization control method
- In this paper, we address a new unexplored problem - what are the optimal patterns to achieve connected coverage in wireless networks with directional antennas. As their name implies, directional antennas can focus their transmission energy in
- 这是一篇关于LCL逆变并网的文章,讲述如何用不规则对称采样减少计算延迟对系统的影响-This is a paper about LCL-typed grid connected inverter,which proposes a schem that the influence of computation delay can be weaken by the apllication of dual sampling mode.
- “Grid Connected PV Systems with Smart grid functionality”. It solves the problem of shading to the available NTNU PV modules which is sensitive to the exiting central inverter system topology by proposing a PV system which is more efficient and
- Power flow analysis of a grid connected PMSG based direct driven wind electric generator
- Direct Power Control of Grid-Connected Wound Rotor Induction Machine Without Rotor Position Sensors
- 连通域处理的函数简介,包含删除小面积对象,计算对象面积,删除边界对象等-Function of connected domain processing
- This paper presents an intelligent-based algorithm for sizing grid-connected photovoltaic (GCPV) system using Genetic Algorithm (GA). GA had been used to determine the optimal PV module and inverter pre-developed PV module and inverter databa
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- MPC for controlling of the grid connected inverter