- 本文主要介绍了ERP(enterprise resource planning)的有关方面知识,特别是ERP在国内的发展。初步分析了当前务业公司管理方面存在的问题,并介绍了ERP的几项关键技术。ERP的关键在于所有用户能够裁剪其应用,因而具有天然的易用性针对目前务业公司企业内部沟通不良等等问题现状,联系实际情况设计实现了一个以控制物流为主的管理软件。该系统实现了部分ERP的功能,尽力做到降低实施成本,减少实施风险 ,加快实施进度 ,增加投资回报。-This paper introduces th
- 数据迁移 数据迁移是一项繁锁而又单调的工作,面对各种各样的基础数据,定制开发数据迁移工具往往费时费力,切不通用,那么到底什么工具能够胜任我们的工作呢?-data migration data migration is a tedious but monotonous work, in the face of all kinds of basic data Custom development of a data migration tools are often time-consuming
- 用VHDL结构描述设计一全减器,全减器可由两个半减器和一个或门组成。-VHDL descr iption of the structure design for a full cut, the whole device can be reduced by half for two and a door or component.
- 本文首先分析Linux2.6.6内核新特性的基础,探讨对Linux进行实时化和嵌入式化,即通过配置内核,裁减shell和嵌入式C库对系统定制,使整个系统能够存放到容量较小的FLASH中。然后简单介绍了防火墙的概念,深入地分析了Linux2.6.6版新型内核防火墙netfilter框架的工作机制及其实现的方式。
- C++, although a marvelous language, isn t perfect. Matthew Wilson has been working with it for over a decade, and during that time he has found inherent limitations that require skillful workarounds. In this book, he doesn t just tell you what s wron
- 基于变长编码求解一维下料问题的演化算法,讲述了一种新的求解下料的算法.
- LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a concept for low cost automotive networks, which complements the existing portfolio of automotive multiplex networks. LIN will be the enabling factor for the implementation of a hierarchical vehicle network in o
- 本文首先介绍了需要通过graph cut最小化的能量函数的特性。虽然是二进制变量但是很容易推广到其他方面。我们详细描述了通过graphcut最小化的能量函数。并提供了最小化能量函数的通用构建。最后给出了最小化二进制能量函数的必要条件。,In this paper, we give a characterization of the energy functions that can be minimized by graph cuts. Our results are restricted to
- C++语言下, 关于图论算法的一些模版, 包括一般图最大匹配, km匹配, 最小割等等, 共15个模版,C++ language under the graph theory algorithm on a number of templates, including the maximum matching in general graph, km matching, minimum cut, etc., a total of 15 templates
- 数学建模,借助MATLAB实现网络计算问题,包含行遍性问题,最短路径问题,最优截断切割问题,Mathematical modeling, the realization of network computing with MATLAB issues, including the issue of time lines, the shortest path problem, the issue of the optimal cut-off cut
- 分支-切割法是把分支定界法与割平面法结合起来,用来求解混合整数规划问题。 ,Branch and cut is a method of combinatorial optimization for solving integer linear programs, that is, linear programming problems where some or all the unknowns are restricted to integer values. The method is
- Branch—and—Price,一种广义分枝定界或分枝定界的扩展算法,它允许列生成过程应用于整个分枝定界树-The philosophy of branch-and-price is similar to that of branch-and-cut except that the procedure focuses on col- umn generation rather than row generation.
- Graph Cuts in Vision and Graphics:Theories and Applications-Combinatorial min-cut algorithms on graphs emerged as an increasingly useful tool for problems in vision.
- 基于Graph Cut的一种分割方法,比较著名的论文。-Graph Cut based on a segmentation method to compare the famous paper.
- image segmentation: introduction of graph cut, grab cut, normalize cut,-image segmentation: introduction of graph cut, grab cut, normalize cut,...
- 该文在考察Visual Prolog 回溯机制和截断机 制的基础上,通过实例,对其静态截断机制和动态截断机制进行了详细分析,从而揭示回溯机制和截断机制的本质特性和应用机理。-On the basis of exposing the backtracking mechanism and the cut mechanism in Visual Prolog illustrated with a group of instances, both the static and dynamic c
- normalized cut for mulatipoint
- 智能小区娱乐终端设计与实现 ——Linux下内核裁减与驱动移植 -Intelligent community entertainment terminal design and implementation- Linux kernel under the cut and drive transplant
- 详细介绍了图割算法的原理和过程,最终得到深度图。-High Quality Depth Map Estimation Method Based on Graph Cut
Enhanced Branch and Price and Cut for Vehicle Routing with Split Deliveries and Time Windows
- In this paper, we study the split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows (SDVRPTW) that is a variant of the well-known vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW), where each customer can be served by more than one vehicle. We propo