- 龙芯2E处理器用户手册 中国科学院计算技术研究所 意法半导体公司 2006年 9 月 龙芯2E处理器是一款实现64位MIPS III 指令集的通用RISC处理器。龙芯2E的指 令流水线每个时钟周期取四条指令进行译码,并且动态地发射到五个全流水的功能部件 中。虽然指令在保证依赖关系的前提下进行乱序执行,但是指令的提交还是按照程序原 来的顺序,以保证精确中断和访存顺序执行。 -Godson 2E processor user manual CAS Institute of Comp
- 叉排序树与平衡二叉排序树基本操作的实现 用二叉链表作存储结构 (1)以回车( \\n )为输入结束标志,输入数列L,生成二叉排序树T; (2)对二叉排序树T作中序遍历,输出结果; (3)计算二叉排序树T的平均查找长度,输出结果; (4)输入元素x,查找二叉排序树T,若存在含x的结点,则删除该结 点,并作中序遍历(执行操作2);否则输出信息“无结点x”; (5)判断二叉排序树T是否为平衡二叉树,输出信息“OK!”/“NO!”;-fork trees and
- 天为MES制造执行系统 天为MES制造执行系统-days MES manufacturing execution system for days MES manufacturing execution system
- This thorough, hands-on reference for database developers and administrators delivers expert guidance on sophisticated uses of Transact-SQL (T-SQL)¡ ª one of the most familiar and powerful programming languages for SQL Server. Written by a T
- In a preemptive priority based RTOS, priority inversion problem is among the major sources of deadline violations. Priority inheritance protocol is one of the approaches to reduce priority inversion. Unfortunately, RTOS like uC/OS can’t suppo
- 该文档包括了mips指令集的全部指令,并且对每一条指令的执行过程做了详细的分析。-This document contains all the instructions mips instruction set, and the execution of each instruction to do a detailed analysis.
- PIC单片机含具有PWM功能的外围功能模块(CCP),利用此模块更容易通过软件实现SPWM,且具有更快的执行速度。本文采用软硬件结合设计的方法,利用面积等效法,并且基于PIC单片机实现对试验逆变系统的SPWM控制。 -PIC microcontroller has a PWM function with the external function module (CCP), more easily using this module software SPWM, and has a faster
- 通过研究内核的时间管理算法,学习内核源代码;然后应用这些知识并且使用“信号”建立一种用户空间机制来测量一个多线程程序的执行时间。-By studying core time management algorithm, to study the kernel source code and then the application of such knowledge and the use of signal to establish a mechanism to measure the u
- Fortran has always been the principal language used in the fields of scientific, numerical, and engineering programming, and a series of revisions to the standard defining successive versions of the language has progressively enhanced its power
- PC机与下位机的通信可以采用高级语言编程实现,如Delphi、VC等。Delphi 是新一代面向对象的可视化开发工具,它具有功能强大、简便易用和代码执行速度快等特点,越来越在构架企业信息系统方面发挥着重要作用。由于Delphi 这些显著特点,利用Delphi开发工业控制系统软件成为越来越多的开发人员的选择,而实现系统监测控制和信息处理的关键是解决PC机与单片机之间的串口通信问题。-PC computer and the communication of digital machines can
- 射频读卡器方案 该方案采用Silicon Lab 公司超低功耗SOC 型单片机C8051F31x,流水线指令 结构,70 指令执行时间为一个或两个系统时钟周期,速度可达25MIPS 灵活的 时钟源-Radio frequency card reader program used the program Silicon Lab company SOC-based single-chip ultra-low power C8051F31x, command line structure,
- a simple borland c++ builder project: examine the process of windows and kill selectively the desired process, or all user process or all process. I use this facility for test the programs speed with minimal process in execution. this version is
- 1 Getting Started 3 1.1 Editing with Emacs 4 1.2 Compiling with GCC 6 1.3 Automating the Process with GNU Make 9 1.4 Debugging with GNU Debugger (GDB) 11 1.5 Finding More Information 13 2 Writing Good GNU/Linux Software 17 2.1 Int
- 龙芯2E处理器是一款实现64位MIPS III指令集的通用RISC处理器。龙芯2E的指令流水线每个时钟周期取四条指令进行译码,并且动态地发射到五个全流水的功能部件中。虽然指令在保证依赖关系的前提下进行乱序执行,但是指令的提交还是按照程序原来的顺序,以保证精确中断和访存顺序执行。-Godson-2E processor is a realization of a 64-bit MIPS III instruction set of general-purpose RISC processor. G
- SIMATIC IT and PCS 7 within TIA Architecture SIMATIC IT and SIMATIC PCS 7 are part of the Totally Integrated Automation solution meeting all the automation requirements of the manufacturing market from field devices to Manufacturing Execution Syste
- Advances of diverse wireless access technologies are defining the trends of future wireless networks, named Next Generation Wireless Networks (NGWN), where several access technologies will coexist and devices will be equipped with different n
- memory,execution time,processes,User logged on
- BPEL:全称为Business Process Execution Language,即业务流程执行语言,是一种使用XML编写的编程语言。用于自动化业务流程,也曾经被称作WSBPEL和 BPEL4WS。广泛使用于Web服务相关的项目开发中,优点为具有可移植性和有效保护了投资。 -The goal of the BPEL Project is to add comprehensive support to Eclipse for the definition, authoring, edit
- 介绍了符号执行技术的应用、原理及动态符号执行的开发技术。适合论文参考。-Symbolic execution technology, the principle and the development of dynamic symbolic execution technology. For reference papers.
- 本文给出了一种通过自动程序转换来支持Java 应用中计算按需远程执行的方法-This paper presents a program by automatically converting Java applications to support remote execution on demand calculation method