- Object-Oriented Design Heuristics By Arthur J. Riel Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : April 30, 1996 经典的面向对象设计书籍
- 基于PSO的BP训练算法论文:在BP训练算法中,关于变权值、学习速率、步长的问题已被广泛地研究,几种基于启发式改进的技术也表明具有改善训练时间以及避免陷入局部最小的明显效果。这里BP训练过程由基于PSO同时优化log—Sigmoid函数与网络权值的新算 法(PSO。GainBP)实现。实验结果表明,PSO—GainBP比传统基于PSO的BP算法在网络训练方面具有更好的性能。-PSO based on the BP training algorithm Papers: In the BP tr
- 不错的一本书,最近在做代码优化和重构的时候看的,给大家分享一下-Clean Code is divided into three parts. The first describes the principles, patterns, and practices of writing clean code. The second part consists of several case studies of increasing complexity. Each case study is a
- Best-first search Greedy best-first search A* search Heuristics Local search algorithms Hill-climbing search Simulated annealing search Local beam search Genetic algorithms
- CSC 550: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Fall 2004 heuristics & informed search heuristics hill-climbing bold + informed search potential dangers, variants best first search tentative + informed search best-first search vs.
- Unit 1. Overview of User-Centered Design and Testing In this unit, we introduce the basic principles of user interface design. We cover two facets of UI design: the construction of interactive programs and the design of their behavior. The latter
- This paper critically analyzes reduct construction methods at two levels. At a high level,one can abstract common alities from the existing algorithms,and classify them into three basic groups based on the underlying control structures.At alow leve
- Travelling salesman problem using heuristics
- :智能算法如粒子群算法已被应用于PID控制器的参数优化,以弥补传统优化方法容易产生振荡和较大超调量 的不足,但是粒子群算法存在易于早熟的缺点,在分析量子粒子群算法的基础上,提出了使用量子粒子群算法优化PID控 制器的参数。为了兼顾控制系统的各项性能指标,根据控制器的实际要求对各项指标进行加权作为算法的目标函数,对 PID控制器进行多目标寻优。通过2个传递函数实例,分别使用z—N、粒子群算法和量子粒子群算法进行了PID控制器 参数优化设计,并对结果进行了分析。-Abstract:H
- System reliability analysis and optimization are important to efficiently utilize available resources and to develop an optimal system design architecture. System reliability optimization has been solved by using optimization techniques including met
- Heuristics algorithm course
- Heuristic method for the Traveling Salesman Problem A number of nearest neighbour tours are generated randomly selected starting points. Each tour is improved by 2-opt heuristics (pairwise exchange of edges) and the best result is selected.
- Heuristic method for the Traveling Salesman Problem A number of nearest neighbour tours are generated randomly selected starting points. Each tour is improved by 2-opt heuristics (pairwise exchange of edges) and the best result is selected.