- 可以象QQ界面一样的,把常用的软件及网页,我的文档等等添加到这个快捷方式里面去,可自动隐藏,非常方便管理.-can QQ as the same interface, commonly used software and website, My Documents, etc. added to the fast-track approach inside that can automatically hide, a very convenient management.
- 文件系统驱动开发的文档资料(IFS DDK),包括新文件过滤接口程序员指南.rar,实现对硬盘的监控.txt,文件重定向操作.txt,注册表重定向.txt,DLL函数重定向的问题.txt,关于文件夹地隐藏.txt等。-file system driver development Documentation (IFS DDK), including new file filters Interface Programmer's Guide. rar, the hard drive moni
- 开发技巧1:如何隐藏任务栏上的按钮,对初学者很有帮助-development of a skills : how to hide the task bar button, useful for beginners
- John Hide新出的一本关于USB应用的书籍,原汁原味的电子文档
- The networking standard CANopen does not specify or standardize an application programming interface (API) for accessing the CANopen network protocol stack of CANopen nodes. Most existing CANopen implementations use their own API and as a result o
- 隐藏进程的一段代码,主要是为了隐藏运行软件的进程项,在任务管理器中没有显示,A section of the code to hide the process, mainly to hide the process of running software in the Task Manager does not show
- *运行关键是隐藏,神不知鬼不觉才是王道.要隐藏,先要隐藏进程,Windows操作系统中程序以进程的 方式运行,大多数操作系统也是如此.任务管理器就可以看到当前运行的进程,所以有人HOOK相关枚举进程的函 数,让任务管理器不显示*进程,也有人把自己的*注册成服务运行,"任务管理器"不显示服务的.这样做只 是障眼法,进程还是存在的,最好的方法是让进程不存在,让*作为其他进程的一个线程来运行.Windows操 作系统提出了DLL的概念,其系统API都是通过DLL的形式出现的,应
- 针对现实中的应用,本人介绍了对话框隐藏的几种方法并附上源码。希望对大家会有帮助。-For real applications, I introduced several methods to hide the dialog box with the source. We hope to be helpful.
- Hide-Delete icon from ToolBar32 for specific process , from command line arguments. TBBUTTON CSharp Code -Hide-Delete icon from ToolBar32 for specific process, from command line arguments. TBBUTTONCSharp Code
- XTHIDE is a GUI that allows the user to hide a text message in an image file. The user will be asked for a key that will be used to both encode and decode the text into an image. The key can be of length from 2 to 900 characters. The encrypt
- ScienceOps has answers. Rapid Custom Algorithm development www.ScienceOps.com Simpleware From 3D scan to CAD, FE/CFD, and RP Join our Webinar on March 12th www.simpleware.com Steganography Software Hide Secrets Using this Powerful Ste
- 89C52设计的智能小车,实现蔽障等功能-89C52 Designed smart car, impaired functions to hide implementation
- asp聊天室系统,1 聊天室登陆页面以及聊天室内的整体美化 2 显示聊友列表显示性别 3 整理了图片文件的路径 4 增加了权限的设置类别 5 隐藏了管理界面的路径 6 为整体减肥,去掉了很多代码 管理账号:风筝 密码:123456 -asp chat room system, a chat room to chat room landing page and the overall beautification of 2 shows a list of shows t
- wen文本ub hsblevel_Scroll() fralevel.Caption = "关卡(速度):" + Str(hsblevel.Value) cmdok.SetFocus End Sub 最后,用VB设计一个帮助窗体frmabout,如图所示: -sssssdwefwerwerwerivate Sub Command1_Click() frmabout.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyPress(
- 采用注入到其他进程的方法来隐藏自己的进程。就是说,把你想做的事情寄生到别人的进程里面。比如IE什么的。关于注入的方法很多,下面我给你一个DLL注入的方法,这个是我做某*时用过的代码,你参考一下把。-Injected into the process of adopting other methods to hide its own process. In other words, you want to do the parasite to other people inside the pr
- Hide Taskbar(delphi)\Hide Program From TaskbarHiding your application from the Taskbar.doc
- image hide hides one image onto other
- I m releasing my private ring3 rootkit "DarkFire" now. It s written in C#, source is included. Also there are the 4 examples, but you may also execute the source from VS if you don t trust exes... Features: * Hide Processes * Hide Regis
- hide/ unhide mouse computer
- VB Code for hide columns automatically in excel