- The LM158 series consists of two independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split po
- 电压幅值可达毫伏数量级的小信号峰值检测电路的设计-MV voltage amplitude up to the peak magnitude of the small-signal detection circuit
- 详细介绍fastslam2.0,是由Michael Montemerlo and Sebastian Thrun所著的IEEE论文。-Montemerlo et al. proposed an algorithm called FastSLAM as an efficient and robust solution to the simultaneous localization and mapping problem. This paper describes a modified versi
- 持续时间震级计算vb源码。利用地震波持续时间同地震震级的相关性来反映震源强度,这就是持续时间震级(Duration Magnitude)-Magnitude calculation of the duration of source vb
- This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the frequency content and phase of input signals according to some specification. Two classes of frequency-selective digital filters are considered: infi
- This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the frequency content and phase of input signals according to some specification. Two classes of frequency-selective digital filters are considered: infi
- magnitude phasa,, you can see it.. thx
- java basics software engineering uploading
- Using visual tags to bypass Bluetooth device discovery.-One factor that has limited the use of Bluetooth as a networking technology for publicly accessible mobile services is the way in which it handles Device Discovery. Establishing a Bluetooth
- Handoff support for mobility with IP over Bluetooth-One factor that has limited the use of Bluetooth as a networking technology for publicly accessible mobile services is the way in which it handles Device Discovery. Establishing a Bluetooth conn
- 本文首先对杂波信号波的基本概念,之后,着重对杂波的幅度分布特性和幅度的起伏率进行计算和总结。-This paper first the basic concepts of wave clutter signal, after which, focusing on the clutter amplitude distribution characteristics and magnitude of the rise and fall rates are calculated and summari
- 近年来,计算机图形处理器(GI.apllics Processing Unit,GPU)得到了极大地发展,从最初局限于图形渲染的图形卡,发展为如今可编程的并行计算平台。与CPU的串行计算模式不同,GPU是一种高度并行的流处理器,具有更强的浮点计算能力,在物理模拟、信号分析等许多领域人们将高强度的计算任务以适当的方式转化为流数据计算模式,通过编程在GPU中进行加速计算,通常能获得一个数量级的速度提高,这也是当今的热点研究问题之一。-In recent years, computer graphic
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) is used in order to discover the heart disease early. Especially, R-R interval gives an useful information for the heart condition. The purpose of this study is the detection of an accurate R wave position zn order to
- function Colored(flag, corr) Kalman filter simulation with colored (time correlated) measurement noise. INPUTS: flag = 0 means ignore the time correlation of the measurement noise 1 means augment the system state 2 means use the Bry
- The real and imaginary components of a complex Gabor filter are phase sensitive, i.e., as a consequence their response to a sinusoid is another sinusoid (see Figure 1.2). By getting the magnitude of the output (square root of the sum of squared
- 这篇文章为随即和非随机的散射环境中造成的信封衰落提供了一个AR模型。它展示了至少需要一个二阶AR过程去建立一个伏在接收信封内在的阻尼正弦自动/交叉相关函数的模型。通过对模拟值的比较得到使用模型可以得到与理论值近似的值。模型基于的仿真过程被用来与JACK仿真器在随机分散事件中作比较。-his work presents an autoregressive (AR) model for fading envelope influenced by isotropic and
- Coefficients a and b control the low and high frequency ranges that the watermark affects. Because of the watermark invariant properties, we embed the watermark only in the Fourier descr iptor magnitude. We use the inverse Fourier transform of the Fo
- Sequential Regime Shift Detection Software: The software is designed to automatically detect statistically significant shifts in the mean level and the magnitude of fluctuations in time series. It is written in Visual Basic for Application (VBA) fo
- A Bode plot is a graph of the transfer function of a linear, time-invariant system versus frequency, plotted with a log-frequency axis, to show the system s frequency response. It is usually a combination of a Bode magnitude plot, expressing the magn
- 3 bit magnitude comparator test-3 bit magnitude comparator test