- 医药批发管理软件(全部源代码) 医药批发管理软件(全部源代码)-medicine wholesale management software (full source code) med icine wholesale management software (full source code)
- MED这一个数据处理的方法,这个比较好用的,尤其是在脑电处理比小波更好一点-MED This is a data processing method, this relatively easy to use, especially in the EEG handling a little better than the wavelet
- 此文档是摘要 针对预警卫星测量方程的非线性 利用传统方法 如EKF 不可避免地会带来线 性化误差.该文提出了几何定位 卡尔曼滤波 GL - KF 方法 在主动段弹道位于过地心 平面的假设下 根据2 颗卫星的角度测量解算出导弹位置 将测量方程转化为线性模-The t r adi ti onal met hod EKF Woul d 1ri ng a1out t he li neari Zati on err or of t he meaSur e ment eGuati on . Ba
- Med MAC is a special mac Protocol designed for BODY AREA NETWORKS
- Median filter replaces the intensity value in each pixel by the local median taken over a local n x m processing window where is a local m x n window around the pixel (x,y) in the image g (to be processed), and MED is the median value taken over the
- 医学图像配准,2D_3D医学图像配准论文-In 2D-3D Medical Image Registration (MIR), preoperative 3D CT images are registered with intraoperative 2D X-rays images obtained by fluoroscopy or Electronic Portal Imag- ing Devices (EPID). 2D-3D MIR is established by compu
- [6] Bland JM, Altman DG. Measuring agreement in method comparison studies. Stat Methods Med Res 1999 8:135–60. [7] MATLAB 2011a, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, United States. [8] Maeda Y, Sekine M, Tamura T. The advantages of weara