surf tracking
- Most motion-based tracking algorithms assume that objects undergo rigid motion, which is most likely disobeyed in real world. In this paper, we present a novel motion-based tracking framework which makes no such assumptions. Object is represented by
- Segmentingindividualhumansinahigh-densityscene(e.g.,acrowd)acquiredfromastaticcameraischallengingmainly duetoobjectinter-occlusion(Fig.1).We dene this proble mas a“model-asedsegmentation”problemandthesolutionisob- tainedusingaMarkovchainMonteCarlo
- 现在的HSR算法基本上可以分为四种:backface culling、frustum culling、portal culling、occlusion culling。-HSR algorithm is basically divided into four: backface culling, frustum culling, portal culling, occlusion culling.
- Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from a Single Image
- This paper proposes a new method of extracting and tracking a nonrigid object moving while allowing camera movement. For object extraction we first detect an object using watershed segmentation technique and then extract its contour points by a
- This a research paper and a poster on occlusion detection....was part of an Msc thesis.-This is a research paper and a poster on occlusion detection....was part of an Msc thesis.
- 直接光是从光源出发,直接照射到物体表面,由于物体问的遮挡和光源照射范围等因素,直接光照变化非常剧烈,分布很不均匀。而间接光照是由直接光照射到物体表面后,经过多次反射、折射产生的,因此。每个方向都有来自环境的间接光照,而且在空间的分布比较均匀,没有剧烈的变化,属于光照中的低频成分。由直接光照和间接光照产生的物体表面的光照效果可以统一表示为-Just starting directly from the source, direct exposure to the surface, due to o
- 多目标跟踪的一篇文章,写的还不错,英文的文章,可以作为目标跟踪的读物-Tracking multiple people under occlusion and across cam eras using probabilistic models
- This paper presents a method that combines colour and motion information to track pedestrians in video sequences captured by a fixed camera. Pedestrians are firstly detected using the human detector proposed by Dalal and Triggs which involves com
- We present a method to learn and recognize object class models from unlabeled and unsegmented cluttered scenes in a scale invariant manner. Objects are modeled as flexible constellations of parts. A probabilistic representation is used for al
- CNKI上下的关于解决目标跟踪中遮挡问题的文献。-CNKI up and down on the settlement of the occlusion target tracking literature.
- 基于局部特征的目标识别技术研究,阐述了解决遮挡情况下使用局部特征来识别目标的局部特征提取方法-Target recognition technology research based on local features of the local feature extraction methods solve occlusion using local feature to identify target
- 游戏编程中的闭塞裁剪, 遮挡裁剪,Occlusion Culling
- active vision system for micro assembly is equipped with a top view camera and a side view camera with a rotational mirror system, such that the viewing direction can be changed freely. The rotational side view helps minimize an occlusion by chan
- 视差贴图技术英文论文,视觉效果比normalmap提升很多-Dynamic Parallax Occlusion Mapping with Approximate Soft Shadows
- Affine-invariant shape matching and recognition under partial occlusion
- Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation (MCFI) is a technique used extensively for increasing the temporal frequency of a video sequence. In order to obtain a high quality interpolation, the motion field between frames must be wellestimated. H
- Research papers on gait recognition in the presence of occlusion.
- This document is about vehicle detection in ITS. It handles occlusion.
- dynamic ambient occlusion 关于环境光遮蔽的论文-dynamic ambient occlusion