- The OMNI Naming Service (omniNames) is an omniORB implementation of the OMG’s COS Naming Service Specification. It offers a way for a client to turn a human-readable name into an object reference, on which the client can subsequently invoke ope
- OPE implementation for numeric data
- 变频器高次谐波产生的奇异性信号使交流调速系统不能正常工作, 采用 小波包分析对奇异性信号进行识别和提取, 对系统进行抗干扰处理, 有效地抑制了高次 谐波对交流调速系统的干扰。-H igh o rder harm on ic o f inverter produces singularity s igna ,l m ake speed governor system can. t no rm a lly ope rate. W avelet packe t theoryw as app