Detecting Pedestrians Using Patterns of Motion and Appearance
- This paper describes a pedestrian detection system that integrates image intensity information with motion information.
- The basic issue of the present and the idea of the future mobile communication systems are to provide high quality of services for multiple users anytime, anywhere and everywhere. A full mobile data service must be able to deliver a true solution, en
- This paper presents a method that combines colour and motion information to track pedestrians in video sequences captured by a fixed camera. Pedestrians are firstly detected using the human detector proposed by Dalal and Triggs which involves com
- 我所做的单片机串行通信发射机主要在实验室完成,参考有关的书籍和资料,个人完成电路的设计、焊接、检查、调试,再根据自己的硬件和通信协议用汇编语言编写发射和显示程序,然后加电调试,最终达到准确无误的发射和显示。在这过程中需要选择适当的元件,合理的电路图扎实的焊接技术,基本的故障排除和纠正能力,会使用基本的仪器对硬件进行调试,会熟练的运用汇编语言编写程序,会用相关的软件对自己的程序进行翻译,并烧进芯片中,要与对方接收机统一通信协议,要耐心的反复检查、修改和调试,直到达到预期目的。-Abstract:
- 一个简单十字路*通灯控制器。该控制器控制甲乙两道的红、黄、绿三色灯,指挥交通和行人安全通行。复杂十字路*通灯控制器要比简单交通灯控制器增加一些功能,如倒计时时间显示,左转弯(左拐)、指示灯闪烁及特殊紧急情况的处理等。-A simple crossroads of traffic light controller. The controller controls the A and B two of red, yellow and green lights directing traffic
- EDA交通灯程序.学习利用计数器和状态机设计十字路*通灯控制器。设计一个简单十字路*通灯控制器。该控制器控制甲乙两道的红、黄、绿三色灯,指挥交通和行人安全通行。-EDA traffic lights program. Learning to take advantage of the counter and state machine design crossroads traffic light controller. Design a simple crossroads traffic
- 十字路口车辆穿梭,行人熙攘,车行车道,人行人道,有条不紊。那么靠什么来实现这井然秩序呢?靠的就是交通信号灯的自动指挥系统。交通信号灯控制方式很多。本系统采用MSC-51系列单片机ATSC51和可编程并行I/O接口芯片8255A为中心器件来设计交通灯控制器,实现了能根据实际车流量通过8051芯片的P1口设置红、绿灯燃亮时间的功能;红绿灯循环点亮,倒计时剩5秒时黄灯闪烁警示(交通灯信号通过PA口输出,显示时间直接通过8255的PC口输出至双位数码管);车辆闯红灯报警;绿灯时间可检测车流量并可通过双位
- HOG_LBP is method to detect pedestrians image
- 基于GPS和自包含传感器的行人室内外无缝定位算法研究(Research on Seamless Positioning Algorithm for Pedestrians Based on GPS and Self - contained Sensor)
- 本文以行人穿过马路的心理步骤为切入点, 对行人观察感知、判断决策方面的研究进行综述。(Based on the psychological steps of pedestrians crossing the road, this paper reviews the research on perception, judgement and decision-making of pedestrian observation.)