- 有关IMS SIP及Presence应用的RFC文档包-the IMS SIP and Presence applications RFC archive
- 关于XCAP协议的rfc文档,对于开发即时通信,Presence业务需要XCAP协议的支持。
- A new PLL topology and a new simplified linear model are presented. The new fractional-N synthesizer presents no reference spurs and lowers the overall phase noise, thanks to the presence of a SampleJHold block. With a new simulation methodology it i
- 我经常在网上碰到同行请求开发文件系统驱动。windows的pc机上以过滤驱动居多。其目的不外乎有以下几种: 一是用于防病毒引擎。希望在系统读写文件的时候,捕获读写的数据内容,然后检测其中是否含有病毒代码。 二是用于加密文件系统,希望在文件写过程中对数据进行加密,在读的过程中进行解密。 三是设计透明的文件系统加速。读写磁盘的时候,合适的cache算法是可以大大提高磁盘的工作效率。windows本身的cache算法未必适合一些特殊的读写磁盘操作(如流媒体服务器上读流媒体文件)。设计自己的cac
Color Edge Detection in Presence of Gaussian Noise Using Nonlinear Prefiltering
- 用非线性滤波器检测高斯噪声的很好的论文 从ieee上下载
- ITU于2008年推出的视频质量客观评价标准 其中共推荐4中全参考模型,ITU-T J.247 Objective perceptual multimedia video quality measurement in the presence of a full reference
- problem of blind demodulation of multiuser information symbols in a high-rate code-division multiple-access (CDMA) network in the presence of both multiple-access interference (MAI) and intersymbol interference (ISI) is considered.
- WaveCome公司的无线AT指令集,非常全面-The SIM card Insertion and Removal procedures are supported. There are software functions based on the reading of the hardware SIM presence pin. This pin state (open / closed) is continuously watched
- 两篇人脸检测的英文论文,是花钱买的哦,英文描述中是一篇文章的英文摘要!-Face and facial feature detection plays an important role in various applications such as human computer interaction, video surveillance, face tracking, and face recognition. Efficient face and facial feature det
- HideToolz is intended for hiding crackers tools from different protection trying define their presence.
- 压缩传感是一个从2006年左右开始兴起的研究领域,它关注于如何采样信号,也就是信号的采样方式或者压缩方式。通过设计一种特殊的采样方案,可以使得采样频率降低为信号的“信息率”,而不是传统的奈奎斯特采样率,于是,实际的采样率可以大大低于奈奎斯特频率,却只损失很少的信息量,依然保持了充足的信息量足以恢复出采样前的原始信号。这个研究思想挑战了奈奎斯特频率的理论极限,会对整个信号处理领域产生极其深远的影响,同时,信号处理的许多应用领域也会随之发生根本性的发展和变化。 -Compressive sens
- intresting article about Increasing Manufacturing Yield for Wideband RF CMOS LNAs in the Presence of Process Variations
- The widespread presence of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has led practitioners to try to apply it when documenting software architectures. While early versions of UML have been adequate for documenting many kinds of architectural views, the
- Bit Error Rate analysis of an Extended Receiver for Rectangular PAM. The performance of a digital communication system in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) can be assessed by the measurement of the bit error rate (BER). The Si
- The color figure graphically indicates the power of surface colors to indicate the presence, location and strength of a source of radioactive material inside a container. The plane is added to illustrate the ability to select line-of-sight inters
- 本文运用尺度空间理论检测人体,通过集成 面向梯度与histogramof尺度空间理论 -Human detection is the task of finding presence and position of human beings in images. In this paper, we apply scale space theory to detecting human in still images. By integrating scale space
- Inthispapz, design, simulation and experimental verification of a self-leaning tizzy logic controller (SLFLC) snitahle for control of nonlinear SCNO sys ma are described. The SLFLC contains a leaning algorithm that udlizes a second-order refer
- 分析了在超宽带通信系统中的扩频干扰,并用两种通用的调制技术实现了对提出的抗干扰方法的仿真-he ultra wideband (UWB) interference to direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) receiver is analyzed. Two popular UWB modulation schemes, the time hopping pulse position modulat
- “presence”,也作“presence information”,中文一般译为“呈现”,用以传达某一用户通过一组设备进行通信的能力和意愿。拿常见的MSN Messenger来举例,MSN v7.5为用户提供的可选状态有:联机、忙碌、马上回来、离开、接听电话、外出就餐和显示为脱机。这些状态便称为“presence状态”,它们表征了用户当前处于的某种状态和用户进行通信的意愿。-You may use this document or any part of the document for i
- Shannon s classic paper on Communication In The Presence Of Noise