软 件 工 程 思 想
- :软件开发过程中的坎坎坷坷,仿佛只是人脸的凹凸不平,用热水毛巾一把就可抹平。让我们高举程序主义、软件工程思想的伟大旗帜,紧密团结在以Microsoft为核心的软件公司周围,沿着比尔• 盖茨的生财之道,不分白天黑夜地编程,把建设有中国特色的软件产业的伟大事业全面推向21世纪。-: software development process of Bumpy Road, as if the face is rugged, a towel with hot water can be smoo
- 光滑粒子方法是一 种新近发展 的可用于流动模拟的无网格数值方法 ,理论上能够适应任意变形 ,在模拟流体流动的剧烈变形时有显著的优势 但是流动的初始、边界条件和一些计算数的选取都会对计算结果产生较大 的影响 作者基于 方法 的基 本原理 , 全面考虑了各种定解条件的设置 , 独立发展 了一 套用于模拟不可压 自由表面流动的 程序 , 并应用 于溃坝流动的模拟 之 中 模拟结果 与 和 经典 的结果非常吻合 ,验证 了方法的准确性,为 方法的一 步发展和广泛应用奠定 了一定的基础
- 基于时频分布的跳频信号分析研究,短时傅立叶变换,魏格纳分布,伪魏格纳分布,平滑伪魏格纳分布-Based on the distribution of time-frequency analysis of frequency hopping signals, short-time Fourier transform, Wigner distribution, pseudo-Wigner distribution, smoothed pseudo-Wigner distribution
- Information of crop phenology is essential for evaluating crop productivity and crop management. Therefore we developed a new method for remotely determining phenological stages of paddy rice. The method consists of three procedures: (i) prescr ipt
- discr iption of smoothed psedo wigner ville distribution
- 铺的峰值基本上对应于共振峰频率,对平滑过的对数谱中的峰值进行定位即可估计共振峰-Shop peak is basically corresponds to the frequency of the resonance peak can be estimated, smoothed to locate the peak in the number of spectral formant
- 功率谱估计及其MATLAB仿真.经典功率谱估计是将数据工作区外的未知数据假设为零,相当于数据加窗。经典功率谱估计方法分为:相关函数法(BT法)、周期图法以及两种改进的周期图估计法即平均周期图法和平滑平均周期图法,其中周期图法应用较多,具有代表性。-The power spectrum estimation and simulation of MATLAB. Classic power spectrum estimation is unknown data in the data outside
- There a lot of time–frequency methods used for studying the time–frequency distribution of the nonlinear and non-stationary signal, such as short time Fourier transform (STFT) (Zhang and Bao, 1998), Wavelet transform (WT) (Hu et al., 2009), S-transfo
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics_monaghan
- 2012 A Study on Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Multi-Phase Flows szewc2012
- Computational fluid dynamics has been a hot topic of research these last forty years, and several books have been published on this topics. This book concentrates on the numerical of Computational Fluid Mechanics, followed by some focus of new dev
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A Meshfree Particle Method by Gui-Rong Liu, M. B. Liu