- 在多用户条件下,通过设计合理的预编码矩阵可以降低多用户之间的信息干扰,尤其是采用复杂度比较高的非线性预编码算法,使用最多的算法比如THP(脏纸编码算法), 在复杂度和性能上取得折中。 关键技术 该资料包括了编码和解码两个.m文件,通过在发送端采用合理的预编码矩阵设计,在接收端通过合理的解预编码矩阵设计,可以使得单个小区内的多用户之间数据流不会出现因为相邻小区导频的复用而带来的干扰。-In multi-user criteria, designed by pre-coding matrix
- Designing energy efficient mobile communication system is the main challenge for the LTE researchers due to increasing of users and their demands in accessing broadband services on mobile phones. High data rate, reduced Bit Error Rate (BER) and l
- very useful article about MU-MIMO THP to achieve near capacity -Tomlinson Harashima Precoding (THP) for Multi- User Multiple Input Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) system has been proposed as an effective way to achieve near capacity to the theoretic