- This paper discusses the contactless palm vein authentication device that uses blood vessel patterns a personal identifying factor. The vein information is hard to duplicate since veins are internal to the human body. The palm vein authentication tec
- 协同定位是多平台编队中的关键问题之一 是实现无人机~ 舰艇编队等定位控制的基础G 从信息融 合的角度研究了编队协同中的导航定位问题 提出了一种新的协同定位算法G 推导了二维情况下 基于最近邻准 则确定伪测量和相伴误差协方差矩阵的模型G 仿真分析表明 该算法可以稳定地完成己平台运动要素的估计-Co-location is one of the key issues in the formation of multi-platform UAV ~ vessel formation pos
- Color fundus images often show important lighting variations, poor contrast and noise. In order to reduce these imperfections and generate images more suitable for extracting the pixel features demanded in the classification step, a preprocessing com
- The aim of the feature extraction stage is pixel characterization by means of a feature vector, a pixel representation in terms of some quantifiable measurements which may be easily used in the classification stage to decide whether pixels belong to
- calculation of vessel or air chamber for pumping stations with anelastic method
- 某市有一码头,每次仅容一辆船停泊装卸货,由于经常有船等候进港,部分人提出要扩建码头。经过调查历史资料发现,码头平均每月停船24艘,每艘船的停泊时间为24±20小时,相邻两艘船的到达时间间隔为30±15小时,如果一艘船因有船在港而等候1小时,其消耗成本为1000元。经预算,扩建码头大约需要1350万元,故市长决策如下:如果未来五年内停泊船只因等候的成本消耗总和超过扩建码头花费则扩建码头,否则,不予扩建。因此,希望你能够帮助市长做出决策。此问题已知到达的大概时间和大概停泊时间,对于此问题用概率统计的
- Mathematica code for filament winding of cylindrical pressure vessel with semispherical domes (netting theory)
- The Segmentation of code for retinal blood vessel segmentation.
- Vessel segmentation fundus image using robust classifier
- This paper presents an automated blood vessel detection method the fundus image. The method first performs some basic image preprocessing tasks on the gray-scale of the retinal image. The blood vessels are highlighted using by using contrast enhancem
- 船舶柴油机及其相关设备运行状态的良好是船舶安全的重要保证。长久以来,船 舶柴油机的状态监测与故障诊断技术的研究都得到了广泛的重视,其诊断的新方法和 设备也层出不穷。尤其是基于振动信号监测、处理、分析的方法,其理论基础日趋成 熟、分析测试设备日趋完善、诊断结果的准确性、可靠性大大提高。并且在船上已有 相关的应用,(Vessel safety can be better guaranteed by the good condition of marine engine and the re
asme pressure and vessel conference
- PVP2015 papers PVP2015 papers PVP2015 papers PVP2015 papers PVP2015 papers