- 哈代是20世纪最优秀的数学思想家,同仁公认他是“真正的数学家是纯粹中最纯粹的”。这篇“自白”是他数学创造力衰退时写下的心酸文字。 在哈代的笔下,数学远远不仅是一门科学,还是艺术,是娱乐,是真善美。 本书刚出版,就被誉为堪与亨利·詹姆斯的笔记媲美的对“创造性艺术家的最佳描述”。 C·P·斯诺的长篇前言满含深情地回顾了哈代的一生,栩栩如生地讲述了他的学术生活和有趣的业余爱好。-Hardy in the 20th century' s best mathematical
- Introduction to mathematical splines Bezier curves Continuity conditions (C0, C1, C2, G1, G2) Creating continuous splines C2-interpolating splines B-splines Catmull-Rom splines
- 计算机牛人的心得,计算机与数学的关系,可逆为你学好计算机提供一条比较明朗的路线-Cattle computer experiences, computer and mathematical relationships, reversible for you to learn the computer provides a relatively clear line
- 一篇数学建模论文写作相关的文章,教会大家如何写好其论文。-A mathematical modeling paper writing a related article, the church How to write a thesis.
- 一篇2007年全国数学建模的优秀获奖论文,有助于预测问题的数学建模的写作。-An excellent winning paper of the mathematical modeling in 2007, writing help predict problems of mathematical modeling.
- 一篇2007年全国数学建模竞赛的获奖论文,可以用来参考人口预测问题的写作。-A 2007 National Mathematical Contest in Modeling award-winning paper, can be used to refer to the population projections writing.
- 一篇2007年全国数学建模A题的优秀获奖论文。-A 2007 National Mathematical Modeling A theme of the excellent award-winning paper.
- 很好的数学建模经验,可供大家借鉴,本人国家一等奖。-Good mathematical modeling experience, available for reference, my country first prize.
- 2009年全国大学生数学建模D题 获全国一等奖 会议筹备的最优化模型 程序 代码-The 2009 national college mathematical modeling D problem wins the first prize
- 2012年华为杯全国研究生数学建模获奖名单 成绩 公布-2012 years for cup national postgraduate mathematical modeling winners announced results
- 被誉为“全球三大财富书之首”,自问世以来就成为美国亿万富豪必读的经典之作,它以其简便易行的方法,直指核心的思维模式,成为美国专业励志培训课程秘而不宣的必读书目、创富经典!一套简单完整、像数学公式一样准确,绝对能帮你致富的系统!-Known as " the first of the three global wealth book" , since the advent of the American billionaire must-read classic, with i
- 本文件讲述的是建模人对数学建模的理解和合作之间的理解,回味,对准备建模或者想要建模的人比较有帮助-This document describes the modeling of mathematical modeling of human understanding and cooperation between the understanding, pondering, modeling or want to model for preparing people more helpful
- 简短而生动地再现了数学发展史上一些数学家们与数学的不解情缘,表达了一种数学之美,-Short and vividly understand love in the history of mathematics to develop some mathematicians and mathematics, a mathematical expression of beauty,
- Gesture recognition is the mathematical interpretation of a human motion by a computing device. Gesture recognition, along with facial recognition, voice recognition, eye tracking and lip movement recognition are components of what developers refer t
- Gesture recognition is the mathematical interpretation of a human motion by a computing device. Gesture recognition, along with facial recognition, voice recognition, eye tracking and lip movement recognition are components of what developers refer t
- Gesture recognition is the mathematical interpretation of a human motion by a computing device. Gesture recognition, along with facial recognition, voice recognition, eye tracking and lip movement recognition are components of what developers refer t