- With the accelerate implementation of information and the rapid development of e-commerce and e-government, the network security is of great significance. Now people are more concerned about how to ensure working at a trusted network environment. In
Apache Hadoop Goes Realtime at Facebook
- Facebook关于下一代数据库系统的规划和展望
Impact of Midpoint STATCOM on Generator Loss of Excitation Protection
- This paper explores the impact of a transmission-line midpoint STATCOM on the performance of the generator loss-ofexcitation (LOE) protection. In this context, investigations are conducted on a two-hydrogenerator power station for two LOE contingenci
dSPACE Based Implementation of PID Controller for Buck Converter
- In this paper output voltage of chosen buck DC – DC converter is regulated at nominal output voltage of 13 volts under [1] under supply disturbance of 20 to 25 volt and vice versa [2] under load disturbance of 28 to 50 ohms and vice versa. The perfor
ADMIRE (Aero-Data Model In a Research Environment)
- The simulations provided for this book are based on original code named ADMIRE (Aero-Data Model In a Research Environment). It was created by the Swedish Defence Research Agency (Svensk Försvarets forskningsinstitut, FOI). At the time of this writi