RFID Electric Studet’s ID
- 将RFID技术应用于「教育机构的自动点名系统」上,这将取代传统费时的点名制度,并透过网络、手机简讯通知学生家长该学生目前的出席状况。为确保教师的隐私权以及个人数据安全性,系统透过数据库来管理个人数据文件。在读取器与标签之间进行相互认证同时,卡号与数据库数据相符者,系统会将持卡人照片显示于屏幕之上,做进一步的资料比对。
An ID-based remote mutual authentication with key
- 一篇基于身份的远程相互认证和密钥交换协议文章。是一篇英文的SCI,非常值得研究参考!
Further Insights in TFET Operation
- This asset originates from the tunneling injection being free of the subthreshold slope limit that fundamentally blocks the MOSFET [3]. Moreover, the limit of low ION in TFETs is wearing off, as drive currents around 100 ìA/ìm have been reported rece