- 龙芯一号的数据手册! 通用32 位微处理器,支持MIPS-III 指令 主频为200~266MHZ 基于操作队列复用的高效7 级标量流水线 高效的64 位浮点流水单元 浮点性能220 MFLOP @250MHz 内置MMU、TLB 实现从程序虚拟地址到CPU物理地址的转换-Godson manual data on the 1st! Definitive 32 microprocessor, support MIPS-III Directive megabyte of 2
- 设计安装220 kV 变电站远程视频监控系统是对变电站“四遥”功能的进一步补充。介绍了 220 kV 变电站远程视频监控中心的系统设计方案,根据系统的具体特点,设计了适应性很强的接 口规范,各子站系统根据通信接口规范设计,并以DLL 文件的形式提供给视频监控主站。系统在 ATL 框架下开发客户端控件,给出了实现视频监控中心客户站控件的具体编程过程。主站调用各 变电站通信DLL,可以实现图像及监控数据的透明传输。-The design and installation of a 2
- LED blink..To build the circuit, attach a 220-ohm resistor to pin 13. Then attach the long leg of an LED (the positive leg, called the anode) to the resistor. Attach the short leg (the negative leg, called the cathode) to ground.
- To build the circuit, attach a 220-ohm resistor to pin 13. Then attach the long leg of an LED (the positive leg, called the anode) to the resistor. Attach the short leg (the negative leg, called the cathode) to ground.