- 一种防止手术电钻磨穿颞骨的智能监控装置Worn to prevent the operation of a temporal bone drill intelligent monitoring device-Worn to prevent the operation of a temporal bone drill intelligent monitoring device
- 本书广受欢迎。读者会在书中发现很多引人深思的内容,不仅涉及日常实践,更深人统骨 和概率理论本身。无论对于统计学者还是各应用领域的科技工作者,本书都是必读之作-Popular book. In the book, readers will find a lot of thought-provoking content, not only in daily practice, deeper integration of bone and probability theory itself. Bo
- Bone Classification thesis report very useful for understanding concept
- It is a disease of the bone marrow -- the semi-liquid tissue inside bones that produces blood cells. Stem cells in the bone marrow develop into two types of cells, myeloid and lymphoid. Lymphoid cells go on to become white blood cells that fight infe
- :构建了多信息感 辅f】JJ的网络遥操作机器人系统,该系统提供丫一种通过多信息感知手段辅助操作 肯决策的远程控制方式.尚 ,分卡斤J q络条件下遥操作机器人系统多信息感知的原理.该多信息包括机器人多传 感器和网络返 时延等信息.通过对这些多信息的预处理、分类和决策处理,将陔多信息以视觉、听觉、力觉、报警灯 和交瓦史本方式转化为人可感 』的信息.使用 络时延缓冲器和网络双连接,降低了网络可变时延对系统的影响. 最 ,长距离的网络遥操作实验验证r系统和控制策略的实用性和骨效性-: C
- 3D模型骨骼提取 中国石油大学出品 内容不多但贵在精,石油出品必是精品-3D models extracted bone China University of Petroleum produced content, but not much more expensive in the refined oil produced must be fine
- This a collection of papers on bone fracture detection. The basic of bone fracture detection includes X ray image analysis, preprocessing, & segmentation.-This is a collection of papers on bone fracture detection. The basic of bone fracture detection