- 可预置的8位计数器程序的主要部分分析 #include <AT89X51.H> //器件配置文件 #define uchar unsigned char //变量类型的宏定义 #define uint unsigned int uchar code SEG7[10]={0x03,0x9f,0x25,0x0d,0x99, //0~9的数码管段码 0x49,0x41,0x1f,0x01,0x09} uchar data cnt[8] //在da
Software Testing
- Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready fo
- In most software-development organizations, the testing program functions as the final \"quality gate\" for an application, allowing or preventing the move from the comfort of the software-engineering environment into the real world. With this ro
- 如何理解c和c ++的复杂类型声明。 曾经碰到过让你迷惑不解、类似于int * (* (*fp1) (int) ) [10] 这样的变量 声明吗?本文将由易到难,一步一步教会你如何理解这种复杂的C/C++声明。-how to understand the c and c complex type declaration. Had encountered let you puzzled, similar to the int * (* (* fp1) (int)) [10] variab
- 高质量C编程,软件开发面试必备High qualicy C and C++ Programming is very useful book for you!it is very important to interview-quality C programming, Software Development interviews essential High qualicy C and C Programming is ver y useful book for you! it is very
- #include<iostream> using namespace std int main() { unsigned long x,warcraft,war,l cin> x while(x) { unsigned long *p=new unsigned long[x+1] if(p==NULL) { cerr<<\"error!\"<<endl abo
- Dijkstra算法求最短路径(C#版) using System using System.Collections using System.Text namespace Greedy { class Marx { private int[] distance private int row private ArrayList ways = new ArrayList() public Marx(int n,params int
- 请编写一个函数jsValue(int m,int k,int xx[]),该函数的功能是:将大于整数m且紧靠m的k个素数存入数组xx传回。 最后调用函数writeDat()读取10组数据,分别得出结果且把结果输出到文件out.dat中。 部分源程序存在文件prog1.c中。 例如:若输入17 5 则应输出:19,23,29,31,37。
- PIC 16F684 外部脉冲计数,74hc595显示,两路AD采集,PIC 16F684 external pulse count, 74hc595 show that two-way AD acquisition
- 提供汇编INT功能所有描述,INT 21H里AH值全部都有,希望对大家有用,第一次上传-INT function to provide a compilation of all descr iption, INT 21H value in AH, all of the above, I hope useful for all of us, the first upload
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- 有双向循环链表结点定义为: struct node { int data struct node *front,*next } 有两个双向循环链表A,B,知道其头指针为:pHeadA,pHeadB,请写一函数将两链表中data值相同的结点删除,并测试。-Two-way linked list node cycle defined as: struct node (int data struct node* front,* next ) there are two t
- VC + + 与MATLAB 混合编程,可以将VC 优秀的可视化编程能力和MATLAB 强大的计算能力结合起来。 分析了C 语言与MATLAB7. x 在接口的特点,详细介绍了VC + + 6. 0 与MATLAB7. x 混合编程的三种方法: MATLAB 引擎、MATLAB 编译器和MATLAB COM 编译器。比较分析了各种方法的适用范围,介绍了发布混编程序的方法。- Wit h t he combination of VC++ and MA TLAB , t he p ower
- WHY to drive SMT160 whith ICP AND INT
- drive smt160 whith icp and int
- drive smt160 whith icp and int
- Drive smt160 whit ICP and INT
- Drive smt160 whit ICP and INT
- 根据新一代歼击机虚拟座舱系统的要求,开发了 一种基于PC 机的廉价而通用的虚拟座舱视景系统。 文中详细描述了其硬件系统的组成、系统软件的选择 以及应用软件的设计与实现。-In order to satisfy the new generation of fight2 er ,a method about virtual cockpit vision system based on PC is represented. The design scheme about hardw
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