- 用MATLAB实现通信系统的平坦衰落信道的建模-An approach to demonstrate flat fading in communication systems is presented here, wherein the basic concepts are reinforced by means of a series of MATLAB simulations. Following a brief introduction to fading in g
- 针对译码转发系统中传统的用户选择策略复杂度过高的问题,提出一种半分布式用户选择策略(SDUS策略).协作分集;用户选择;中断性能;运算复杂度-A semi—distributed user selection scheme(SDUS scheme)is proposed to reduce the high compleXity in conventional user selection schemes in decodPand—forward(DF)systems.cooperative d
- This function calculates the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh channel considering no CSIT (equal power allocation) and perfect CSIT (waterfilling power allocation). In both cases perfect CSIR is assumed. The channel is assumed to b