- 利用超高速硬件描述语言(VHDL)在现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)上编程实现的纯数字式等精度频率计,不但具有较高的测量精度,而且其测量精度不会随着被测信号频率的降低而下降。为了实现对任意信号进行频率测量,在前端输入加整形电路即可。-use ultra-high-speed Hardware Descr iption Language (VHDL) in field programmable logic gate array (FPGA) series The way to achieve su
- 精密工作台的光栅位移测量和控制系统 精密工作台的光栅定位测量和控制系统的设计 介绍了 国内外现状和光栅检测的历史。当今采用的原理和总体方案,放大整形、5倍频电阻链细分并联4细分辨向电路,24位可逆计数器 -Grating displacement precision stage control system for precision measurements and positioning table of the raster measurement, and control syste
- The TSL237 light-to-frequency converter combines a silicon photodiode and a current-to-frequency converter on a single monolithic CMOS integrated circuit. Output is a square wave (50 duty cycle) with frequency directly proportional to light inten
- plastic concrete useful for research related to structure engineering simulation.. good for MS civil engineering
- “Online Banking " is a computerized telecommunications device that provides the customers of a financial institution with access to financial transactions in a public space without the need for a human clerk or bank teller. On most modern ATMs, the c
- A user-material subroutine has been written to incorporate single crystal plasticity in the fmite element program ABAQUS. The fmite-element formulation of elastic-plastic and viscoplastic single crystal deformation is reviewed in this paper. incl
- 这本书比较深入地讲述了塑性力学的数值计算方法和理论-This book about plastic mechanics, numerical methods and theoretical
- 这本书比较深入地讲述了固体和结构的弹塑性分析方法-This book is more in-depth about the elasto-plastic analysis of solids and structures
- 东芝TLP521-1,-2和-4组成的照片晶体管 光耦合到砷化镓红外发光二极管。 器TLP521-2提供了两个独立的通道,在八引脚塑料DIP 包,而器TLP521-4提供了四个隔离通道中 16个塑料DIP封装。-The TOSHIBA TLP521− 1, − 2 and − 4 consist of a photo− transistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infr
- 题目:输入一个整形数组,数组里有正数也有负数。数组中连续的一个或多个整数组成一个子数组,每个 子数组都有一个和。求所有子数组的和的最大值。要求时间复杂度为O(n)。 -Title: Enter a plastic array, the array positive also negative. Continuous one or more integer array is composed of a sub-array, and each has a sub-array and. Fin
- abaqus umat for concrete constitve law
- 系统介绍了PVC胶曹温度的模糊PID控制方案,并用matlab做了仿真分析-Introduced a system of PVC plastic Cao temperature fuzzy PID control scheme, and the simulation analysis using matlab to do
- ABAQUS子程序UMAT里弹塑本构的实现-ABAQUS subroutine UMAT in the realization of elastic-plastic constitutive
- This program is used to control the production line of plastic extruder.. It can realize the synchronization between the extruder and the traction machine-This program is used to control the production line of plastic extruder.. It can realize the sy
- 产品适用于ATM设备,适用于自助设备,自助终端。 专业加工、开模生产ATM塑料零件、ATM五金零件、等等ATM耗材。 一手源头:吸钞横杆、NCR钞箱、ATM卡喉(ATM异形口)、ATM密码罩、ATM防窥镜(ATM后视镜)、ATM读卡器胶轮、ATM挖钞轮、ATM齿轮、ATM皮带等(The product is suitable for ATM equipment. It is suitable for self-service equipment and self-service termin