- SBC-2410X使用手册 Version0.9
- ando início ao processo eleitoral para escolha da Diretoria e dos membros titulares e suplentes do Conselho da SBC, biênio 2011/2013, convocamos os Sócios, divulgamos o calendário eleitoral e as informaç õ es iniciais. Nos próximos dias, esta
- 内容包括:SBC-2410X的硬件系统资源及说明,Linux实用软件及工具,基于S3C-2410X的嵌入式Linux开发,嵌入式用户图形界面编程等内容。-Include: SBC-2410X resources and descr iption of the hardware system, Linux utilities software and tools, based on S3C-2410X embedded Linux development, embedded graphical u
- This standard specifies the functional requirements for the SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) command set. SBC-3 permits SCSI block logical units such as rigid disks to attach to computers and provides the definition for their use. This standard mainta
Orange Pi Schematics
- Schematics of several orange pi sbc