- 学习C的同志可以下这个进行编程 比TC好用多了,也简单多了-learning C comrades can be conducted under the program easier to use than the TC also much simpler
- The Pages 2.0 specification is one of the most exciting Java Community Process releases of the year. Chances are you picked this book to learn more about the new features of 2.0. Or you may be interested in using for the first time in your next proje
- 另一个词法分析程序,较之前的词法分析程序有区别,实现起来较简单-Another lexical analysis program than before the distinction between lexical analysis process, to achieve a simpler
- Discretization is used in click-based graphical passwords so that approximately correct entries can be accepted by the system. We show that the existing discretization scheme of Birget et al. (2006) allows for false accepts and false rejects beca
- Model-Based Testing in the Key of C# Reasonable Questions • What is a model? • Why use model-based testing? • How can we use C# for model-based testing? What is a Model? • A model is a descr iption of a system. ̶
- 显著性分析论文(英文),三个加州理工教授所写。附带有源码是实验Sample(见英文说明中的下载链接)-Saliency Map Algorithm : MATLAB Source Code Below is MATLAB code which computes a salience/saliency map for an image or image sequence/video (either Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) or the stand
- The ARM7TDMI is a member of the Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) family of general purpose 32-bit microprocessors, which offer high performance for very low power consumption and price. The ARM architecture is based on Reduced Instruction Set Compu
- CORDIC For Dummies CORDIC is a method of calculating a math function using much simpler math operations in a loop called a Binary Search. Most commonly CORDIC is used to calculate ATAN2 (Angle), and Hypotenuse (Distance) of a point. CORDIC c
- 主要用C描述了立体匹配的比较简单的一种算法,运用差的绝对值进行匹配耗费的计算。-Mainly use C describes the simpler a stereo matching algorithm, using the absolute value of difference matching cost calculation.
- 为了让网友们能更好的阅读和管理Windows API 函数,于是我为大家将网上的资料整理成一个帮助文件。让查阅API 函数变的更简单,容易,也更有效。本帮助文件中的Windows API 函数大约有774个,共分十二大类,基本上包括了大部分的常用和非常用的Windows API 函数。-In order to allow users to better reading and managing Windows API function, so I will be online for infor
- 图像分割是一种重要的图像分析技术,对图像分割的研究一直是图像技术研究中的热点和焦点。分水岭算法是基于数学形态学理论的图像分割算法,但是对噪声敏感且存在过分割的现象。为提高图像分割效果,本文通过对影像进行滤波处理,用改进的快速区域合并算法优化分水岭算法进行影像分割。实验结果与MeanShift算法得到的结果对比,证明此算法可以获得较好的分割效果。-In recent years, the watershed line has emerged as the primary tool of mathe
- :MATLAB 是目前在国际上被广泛接受和使用的科学与工程计算软件。虽 然 Cleve Moler教授开发它的初衷是为了更简单、更快捷地解决矩阵运算,但 MATLAB 现 在的发展已经使其成为一种集数值运算、符号运算、数据可视化、图形界面设计、程序设 计、仿真等多种功能于一体的集成软件。 -MATLAB is now widely accepted and used in the international science and engineering calculation so
- I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit)总线是由PHILIPS公司开发的两线式串行总线,用于连接微控制器及其外围设备。是微电子通信控制领域广泛采用的一种总线标准。它是同步通信的一种特殊形式,具有接口线少,控制方式简单,器件封装形式小,通信速率较高等优点。I2C 总线支持任何IC 生产过程(CMOS、双极性)。通过串行数据(SDA)线和串行时钟 (SCL)线在连接到总线的器件间传递信息。每个器件都有一个唯一的地址识别(无论是微控制器——MCU、LCD 驱动器、存储器或键盘接口),
1.Network install
- W5500 网络扩展板集成了一个硬件 TCP/IP 协议栈芯片 W5500 以及一个含有网络变压器 的 RJ-45(HR911105A)。其中,W5500 是一款全硬件 TCP/IP 嵌入式以太网控制器,为嵌入 式系统提供了更加简易的互联网连接方案.使用硬件逻辑门电路实现 TCP/IP 协议栈的传输 层及网络层(如:TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4, ARP, IGMP, PPPoE 等协议),并集成了数据链路 层,物理层,以及 32K 字节片上 RAM 作为数据收发缓存。使得上