- Implement a class that represents a phone number in std::string type. The class should inherit the given Abstract- Phone class. You are not allowed to change the prototypes in AbstractPhone.h. The AbstractPhone class is an abstract class since ge
- Implement a class that represents a phone number in std::string type. The class should inherit the given Abstract- Phone class. You are not allowed to change the prototypes in AbstractPhone.h. The AbstractPhone class is an abstract class since ge
- single-phase multi-string multilevel inverter for micro grid applications. The multilevel topology consists of few H-bridges connected in series, each one connected to a string. The proposed multistring multilevel inverter needs only six switches
- 进行学生管理,一系列的管理 ,比如学生信息的统计,学生成绩的统计(#include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> class course)