- Scatter Search(SS)算法是一种进化算法,最早由Glover于1977年提出,已成功应用于多种优化问题.,Scatter search is an evolutionary method that has been successfully applied to hard optimization problems.
- 这篇文章,详细的介绍了当前国际最流行的 生物进化树软件使用说明,中文版!-This article, a detailed introduction of the current international the most popular biology evolutionary tree software to use that version of English!
- 主要是关于一些粒子演算法的思想及如何进行分析。并且粒子演算法的一些衍生算法- PSO is a recently proposed algorithm, motivated from the simulation of social behavior. PSO is based on the evolutionary computation technique.
- Elements of Evolution: – Reproduction – Random variation – Competition – Selection of contending individuals from a population. ● Evolutionary computation: computational methods simulating evolution, mostly used to find a solution in
- 知识进化多目标领域的一篇经典之作,已被同行广泛认同,相信给大家的学习和研究会带来帮组,欢迎下载!-Knowledge of a field of multi-objective evolutionary classic, has been widely recognized by his peers, I believe for everyone to learn and research will bring help group, welcome to download!
- 多峰值函数优化中,基本粒子群算法进化后期收敛速度较慢,提出一种具有可控速度因子的改进粒子群算法.-Multimodal function optimization, PSO late evolutionary convergence is slow, with a controllable speed improvements proposed particle swarm optimization factors.
- 针对标准粒子群算法在进化过程中种群多样性降低而早熟的问题 ,提出一种动态改变惯性权重的自适应粒子群算法.-For PSO population diversity in the evolutionary process and reduce premature problem, a dynamically changing inertia weight adaptive particle swarm optimization.
- Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of polynomial neural networks for fatigue life modelling and prediction of unidirectional carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics composites