- I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. A. Lynn Abbott, for helping me throughout my research, Gary Fleming and the rest of the people at NASA Langley who provided all the flight information and image sequences, and my parents who supported me in m
- NASA X-37B的资料(背景、使命、试验内容、军事用途等)-reference of NASA X-37B
- In many applications, it is economical for a single modem to receive multiple modulation formats. In particular, the use of BPSK and QPSK has become a defacto standard in many military and NASA systems. However, there is significant interest
- DEM SRTM3的.hgt文件是1201*1201, signed 16 bits interger的 binary raster文件, Byte Order是Big Endian (Motorala / Network (IEEE)), 由于Signed 16 bits interger取值范围是-32767 to 32767, 其中数据空洞就赋值为-32768. -DEM the .hgt file is produced by America NASA