- 应用的比较方便,我觉得还不错啊!大家试试吧-application more convenient, responds : I think not! You try it
- Matlab解微分方程 个人认为比较全面-Matlab solutions of differential equations personally think that a more comprehensive
- 功能很齐全含有ASK,PSK等。我想大家很需要它。希望大家下载它。-Function is complete with ASK, PSK, etc.. I think we very much need it. I hope you download it.
- 这个文章写的是3G,3个不同标准之间的区别,写的简单易懂而又不失专业,个人认为写的很好-This article is written by 3G, 3 different criteria for the distinction between written and yet easy-to-understand professional, personally think that writing a good
- 这个是单片机最小系统的一个介绍文档以及altium仿真原理图(介绍了最常用的系统模块),我觉得对于初学者而言,会有参考的作用,希望对大家有用-This is the smallest single-chip systems, as well as an introductory document altium schematic simulation (to introduce the most commonly used modules), I think for beginners, the
- 有一位编程大师,他写非结构化的程序,一位初学者刻意模仿他,也写非结构化的程序。当他让大师看他的进步时,大师批评了他的非结构化程序:“ 对一位编程大师合适的东西未必对一个初学者同样合适,在超越结构化之前,你必须理解编程之道。” 我个人认为作为一个初学者应该踏踏实实的打好程序设计的基础,不要急功近利,舍本逐末。我走过不少弯路,希望大家能和我一样能牢记编程大师的忠告:“对编程大师合适的东西未必对一个初学者同样合适”。 本文所描述的优秀编程风格适合于大部分语言,文章中可能提到你不是很了解的概念,
- 连两三天,虽然不能说一刻不停的在搞,但也几乎已经虚脱了。还好终于搞定,乘着劲我觉得很有必要终结一下。 我使用的是eclipse3.0的IDE,自然在学习到j2ee部分必须要装很多插件,而且有很多版本对应问题,一般提供插件下载的网站都会有说明,请留意。此文建立在jdk和eclipse已正确安装并使用的前提下,并且所用软件均为免费且广为认可的。-Even two or three days, although we can not say at the moment engaged in non-s
- 电信笔试面试题目,有想这方面材料的可以下来看看。-Telecom written examination and interview subjects, there are think that this could be down to see the material.
- turbo ldpc codes-1, i think it is useful for everybody who want to learn LDPC code give you to have a ref.
- 很有用的简历模板 快来下载吧 下载有惊喜啊 真的很不错 看过就知道了-useful template I think it will be helpful to you !welcome download!welcome dwonload welcome download!!!welcome welcome welcome download welcome download
- this a another file what i upload. it s document about a new technology nowadays. i think it s so useful for everyone learning telecommunication major.-this is a another file what i upload. it s document about a new technology nowadays. i think it s
- 这是华为公司的内部的C++标准,很规范,很有用,希望你能珍藏。-It is a good book for C++ leaner.I think you can like it.
- 在DELPHI中如何出神入化地用四舍五入: Delphi中的round()很多人认为不好用,下面的方法会较好去处理-Rounded down how superb in DELPHI: Delphi in the round () Many people think that does not work well, the following method would be better to deal with
- 猜数游戏 程序1 编程先由计算机“想”一个1~100之间的数请人猜,如果人猜对了,则计算机给出提示“Right!”,否则提示“Wrong!”,并告诉人所猜的数是大还是小,然后结束游戏。要求每次运行程序时机器所“想”的数不能都一样-Guess the number of game programming first by computer program " want to ask people to guess a number between 1 to 100, guessed r
- 全国计算机二级等级考试c语言考前的训练题,对初学c语言的你如果想过二级,可以试试笔!-C language exam for secondary level examination of the National Computer Training Problems beginner c language, if you think about the two, you can try the pen!
- 全国计算机二级等级考试c语言考前的训练题,对初学c语言的你如果想过二级,可以试试笔!-C language exam for secondary level examination of the National Computer Training Problems beginner c language, if you think about the two, you can try the pen!
- 全国计算机二级等级考试c语言考前的训练题,对初学c语言的你如果想过二级,可以试试笔!- 允许输入拉丁字符的拼音 英语中文(简体)日语 C language exam for secondary level examination of the National Computer Training Problems beginner c language, if you think about the two, you can try the pen!
- Think in C++, help the one to learn C++ faster.
- 我认为比较不错的日历控件,觉的可以的可以-I think that a good calendar control, Cox can look
- This book is about the approximation algorithm. Although it maybe exists in the internet, I think it is so useful so upload it.-Algorithm is the father of coding, the approximation algorithm is the advanced algorithm. I think it s so useful, at least