- 蓝海战略要求企业突破传统的血腥竞争所形成的“红海”,拓展新的非竞争 性的市场空间。与已有的、通常呈收缩趋势的竞争市场需求不同,蓝海战略考虑 的是如何创造需求,突破竞争。本书不仅仅对企业思维进行挑战,而且告诉它们 怎样达到目标。首先,我们引入一整套分析工具与框架,告诉读者如何系统性地 应对挑战;其次,我们阐明了若干原则,以区分蓝海战略和传统竞争性战略。-blue water strategy requires enterprises bloody break with tradit
- BC03 Blue Core 3 Audio Flash Data sheet, it explain how to develop driver for Blue Core Flash, signal and control
- 计算的主要推动者,发布Blue Cloud计划的IBM公司还表示,在2008年,会制定更多的相关流程与标准来保证客户的数据安全。-Calculate the main promoters, release of IBM' s Blue Cloud program also said that in 2008, will develop a more relevant processes and standards to ensure customer data security.
- Eu/Tb codoped aluminoborosilicate glasses were fabricated by high temperature melting-quenched technique and their luminescence properties were investigated by excitation and emission spectra. Under 376 nm excitation, blue, green and red emission
- 上个世纪,IBM一直致力于研发,并且具有应对宏大挑战的传 统,因此取得了众多的科学突破。这些宏大的挑战— 例如深 蓝(Deep Blue.) 的设计目的是为了与世界象棋大师 Gary Kasparov 进行比赛—努力以多种方式推动科学向前发展,这些 成就达到了令前人无法想象到的地步。Watson 是IBM 最新提出 的宏大研发挑战,它通过改进提问与回答的技术,旨在 促进自然语言处理科学的发展。-Industry Report
- The (SCTP) has a simpler basic packet structure than. Each consists of two basic sections: 1. The common header, which occupies the first 12 bytes. In the diagram to the right, this header is highlighted in blue. 2. The data chunks, which for
- The (SCTP) has a simpler basic packet structure than. Each consists of two basic sections: 1. The common header, which occupies the first 12 bytes. In the diagram to the right, this header is highlighted in blue. 2. The data chunks, which for
- This BC04 Bluetooth module based on British CSR Blue Core4-Ext chip,follow v2.1 +EDR Bluetooth specification. The module supports UART,USB,SPI ,PCM SPDIF interface and support for the SPI Bluetooth serial protocol, low cost, small size, low power con
- Windows Phone (code-named Blue) Release Notes (Dev Preview) Windows Phone (code-named Blue) Release Notes (Dev Preview).zip-Windows Phone (code-named Blue) Release Notes (Dev Preview) Windows Phone (code-named Blue) Release Notes (Dev Preview)
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