- 研究从彩色栅格交通地图中提取完整的道路网络集合。在地图规范化的基础上,基于彩色栅格地图上的噪声特征,处理欠识别和误识别的道路点集集合. 以实例说明该方法对道路提取的过程和效果-study from the color grid traffic maps extracted integrity of the road network set. Standardization of the map on the basis of color raster maps based on the nois
Ultra-Wideband 通信系统
- 为了提高通信系统的信息传输速率,人们提出了UWB通信系统,即Ultra-Wideband 通信系统。在UWB系统中,信号的带宽一般都在GHz的量级,这么宽的带宽造成了UWB系统和现有的通信系统频谱的重叠。为了降低对现有通信系统的影响,UWB信号的设计需要满足一定的频谱模板。如果一个信号的频谱基本满足频谱模板的规定(即在绝大部分频段内功率小于规定区间的上限),我们可以认定其为一个UWB信号。-In order to improve communication systems, informatio
yao kong qi 遥控器.pdf
- 基于单片机设计实用型无线遥控器原理,消耗资源少,结构简单-Single-chip design based on the practical principle of the wireless remote control, less consumption of resources, simple structure
- This work shows a PNLMS-based algorithm that incorporates other techniques for PNLMS to be less complex. MMax, SAG and Power-of-Two Quantization are considered in this hybrid of algorithms.
- BlueCore7 is a single-chip radio and baseband IC range for Bluetooth 2.4GHz systems including enhanced data rates (EDR) to 3Mbits/s. It includes an integrated FM transmitter and receiver with stereo audio input and output stages, Bluetooth low en
- In the future, power distribution systems now controlled by large power generators will be enhanced with more distributed energy resource (DER) architectures in which the demarcations between providers and users of power are less restrictive. Ind
- AAA基于最大特征点对互信息量的一种新的算法研究,理论分析和实验结果表明,该算法对图像间的旋转角度没有限制, 配准精度高而且计算量较小. -AAA feature points based on the maximum mutual information of a new algorithm, theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the algorithm for image rotation between
- IT学生解惑真经 在校的IT 学生有几百万 都在为如何如何学习才能找到工作、融入社会而迷 我们需要的不是灵丹妙药 而是一本让你少走几年弯路的-IT students in the school millions are learning how to how to find work and integrate into society fans we need is not a panacea but one makes you feel less tortuous path
- An immediate observation for those who deal with the processing of signals is the omnipresence of the concepts of frequency, which are called “spectra” here. This presence is important in the fields of theoretical research as well as in most appl
- The file give and explanation about analog to digital converter input noise. All analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have a certain amount of input-referred noise—modeled as a noise source connected in series with the input of a noise-free ADC. I
- The World Wide Web has evolved in less than two decades as the major source of data and information for all domains. Web has become today not only an accessible and searchable information source but also one of the most important communication chan
- The Vedic mathematics is quite different from conventional method of multiplication like adder and shifter. This mathematics is mainly based on sixteen principles. The multiplier (referred henceforth as Vedic multiplier) architecture base
- 微电网的概念最早是由美国提出的[1]。2002年美国 CERTS对微电网概念提出了明确的定义,并且给出了微电 网的基本结构。它主要是通过电力电子装置将发电容量小 于500 kW的分布式电源和储能装置组织在一起,就近向 用户提供电能。灵活智能的电力电子装置是CERTS微电网 的关键所在,正是通过该技术来实现“即插即用”的控制 思想。目前,微电网的应用范围和电压等级正在不断的扩 大,已经由原来兆瓦级以下发展到几十兆瓦的规模,并有 望在更大的农村配电网得到进一步发展。-
- 我们设计和实验证明 布拉格光栅波分复用器 三波长的平面光波电路复用 公交车站台。1310和1550 nm的光,被设计成 由一个半周期通过定向耦合器分离后 和一个完整的周期耦合作用与0.07和0.19分贝的损失, 分别。1492 nm的光反射回来的布拉格 光栅对定向耦合器及其制作少损失 超过2分贝。我们也介绍和讨论新概念
- 中国对外直接投资的区位选择研究分析归纳总结出了中国对外投资存在的区位过分集中,投资规模较小、竞争力差,缺乏宏观引导以及整体投资战略等问题,建议我国企业在认真分析自身优劣势的基础上,制定符合长期发展的全球性战略。同时还要充分考察东道国的投资环境,合理选择投资区位,进一步提高我国对外直接投资的收益率,影响力,建设一批具有国际影响力的跨国公司,进而促进我国经济的发展。-Research on the location choice of foreign direct investment China.
- AODV packet format .Chaged the packet format so it can be of less size and make less network overhead
- 针对传统卫星广播重传策略信道占用率较高、重传次数较多的问题,高链路丢包率下的基于网络编码的广播重传策略不能达到重传性能最优的问题,以及最大团策略计算开销较大的问题,提出了一种改进的基于网络编码的广播重传策略。理论分析及仿真实验证明了改进的基于网络编码的广播重传策略较好地解决了以上重传策略的问题,保证了卫星通信中的组播数据的快速、可靠的发布。-Aiming at the problems of traditional satellite broadcasting retransmission sc
- IEEE Guide for Insulation Maintenance for Rotating Electric Machinery (5 hp to less than 10 000 hp)
- 经典的香农采样定理认为,为了不失真地恢复模拟信号,采样频率应该不小于奈奎斯特频率(即模拟信号 频谱中的最高频率)的两倍.但是其中除了利用到信号是有限带宽的假设外,没利用任何的其它先验信息.采集到 的数据存在很大程度的冗余.Donoho等人提出的压缩感知方法(Compressed Sensing或Compressive Sampling, CS)充分运用了大部分信号在预知的一组基上可以稀疏表示这一先验信息,利用随机投影实现了在远低于奈奎斯 特频率的采样频率下对压缩数据的直接采集.该
- 3. A New Algorithm for Less Distortion and High Capacity Steganography Model using Blocjs-Based Method