IEEE 802.15.4g
- IEEE 802.15.4g ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS Implementing physical layer (PHY) of IEEE 802.15.4g standard with Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) using Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (O-QPSK)
- 本文深入研究了复杂调制信号MPSK、MQAM的倍号子类以及常用恒包络信 号OQPSK、or/4 QPSK、MSK的调制识别披本。在鳆种基本调制识别方法即基于特征提取的方法和基于最大似然的方法的纂础上采用四种算法分别对上述信号进行识别研究。-This article studies the complex modulation signals MPSK, MQAM number of times and the common sub-class of constant envelope sig
- ofdm simulation with qpsk model
- Resumo - Neste trabalho é apresentada uma transmissã o óptica experimental de 3,58 TB/s utilizando 32 canais modulados a 112 Gb/s com o uso do formato de modulaç ã o NRZ-DP-QPSK e detecç ã o coerente. Os efeitos da filtragem óptic
- Iterative method qpsk demodulation
- In this assignment, a report about Matlab functions of generating random numbers is prepared and then BPSK , QPSK and 8PSK symbols input sequence of bits are obtained. After that the expected value of generated symbols and the symbol energy are calcu
- BPSK使用了基准的正弦波和相位反转的波浪,使一方为0,另一方为1,从而可以同时传送接受2值(1比特)的信息。由于最单纯的键控移相方式虽抗噪音较强但传送效率差,所以常常使用利用4个相位的QPSK和利用8个相位的8PSK。