- 1.地址缩短,同时加密(更有利存取数据库之间的数据) 2.图片上传功能,使用了保密上传目录功能,就算被上传*而不知道实际路径,*就不起作用了,还有就是上传使用了会员积分上传,积分的数目由管理员在后台设置 3.图片使用了防盗链功能,外部连接图片也使用了简单的防盗功能,本地图片使用了流方式防盗链功能 4.增加了在线邮件发送功能,(该功能目前只应用两个地方,斑竹申请和举报贴吧,只要有会员提交了信息,系统会自动发提醒邮件给管理员,该功能可以在后台实现关闭或启用,要正常使用该功能,服务器必须安装jma
- PLC的开发与应用(论文) 本论文是依托PLC实验系统设计与开发这个课题展开研究讨论的。该课题的主 要任务是设计一套适合教学实验、简单易用、功能齐全的PLC实验装置。该系统是以西门子S7一200为核心开发的,解决了科研和教学中实验器材短缺的问题,具有非常重要的现实意义。 -Development and Application of PLC (Thesis) This thesis is based on experimental PLC system design and dev
- This paper identifies a novel feature space to address the problem of human face recognition from still images. This based on the PCA space of the features extracted by a new multiresolution analysis tool called Fast Discrete Curvelet Transfo
- The J1939 C Library is targeted for use with PIC16 microcontroller applications using the MCP2515 Stand-alone CAN Controller. It offers J1939 communications protocol support for single address capable Controller Applications (CA’s) that are eithe
- 本文在找出汉字区位码与地址码转换关系的基础上,阐述了用C语言开发的,在西文图形方式下能显示一、二级汉字库中所有汉字的处理软件的设计考虑,并给出了有关程序。-This article find the characters in the location code and address code based on the conversion relationship, described using C language development in Spanish graphics mode
- i)Europe can build on its telecommunications and “applications” strengths and take a leading role in Future Internet services developments ii)Research with strong innovation orientation: need to address longer-term… and shorter term delivery of res
- 863计划突出国家战略目标和重大任务导向,重点落实《纲要》提出的前沿技术任务和部分重点领域中的重大任务,以解决事关国家长远发展和国家安全的战略性、前沿性和前瞻性高技术问题为核心,攻克前沿核心技术,抢占战略制高点;研发关键共性技术,培育战略性新兴产业生长点;培育和造就一批高水平人才和团队,形成一批高技术研究开发基地,提升我国高技术持续创新能力。-863 prominent national strategic objectives and significant task-oriented, fo
- 本文简要叙述了目前地震科学发展急需解决的重大问题,以及将来的发展方向。-This paper describes the development of the current earthquake science needed to address the major issues and future direction of development.
- 《走出软件作坊》这本书提供了解决国内小型IT企业发展的过程中会遇到的项目管理问题的若干方法。主要以作者自身多年工作的宝贵经验,来谈软件公司的项目管理和团队建设,包括对中小软件公司软件开发组织结构、团队文化、软件过程管理、团队激励、绩效考核、职业发展规划、未来业界发展趋势、个人素质提升等,具有实际指导意义。主要读者对象是IT企业的研发主管、项目经理和软件开人中同,以及即将到IT企业工作的高校毕业生。-"Out of the software workshop" This book provide
- 本文在阐述网络发展的现状和趋势的基础上,着重分析了两种内 部网关路由选择协议砒P和OSPF协议的实现机制和性能特点。对P 协议是基于距离矢量算法的。OSPF协议是基于链路状态算法的。本 文的工作重点是对上述两种协议分别从类型,封装,路径特征,邻居 发现和支持,路由选择数据的分发,对变化的响应,路由表计算,健 壮性/可靠性以及安全性等方面进行了对比分析,并对它们存在的安 全漏洞进行了初步的分析说明。根据以上的分析,通过On忸T软件, 本文设计了一个10km×10km规模
- 某高手破解淘宝客pid劫持卖家的插件核心源码 可以实现淘宝网址跳转,谨供学习,非法使用不承担法律责任-The plug core source can crack a master Taobao customer pid hijacking seller Taobao Address Jump should be for learning, not be liable for illegal use
- word file contain address of funding agencies
- 让程序利用搜索引擎来搜集网址,这有什么用?很有用!网上动辄有人叫卖网址数据库,如发布软件网址、邮件地址、论坛网址、行业网址,这些网址是怎么来的呢?不可能是人手工收集而来的,都是让程序利用搜索引擎取到的,如果您需要某类网址信息数据,就跟我来一起研究一下- Procedure using a search engine to collect the URL, what? Very useful! Hundreds of people online selling website database
- The twin problems of Internet Population Measurement and Address Exhaustion & IPv6 Deployment Computer Networks Research Essay
- Background: The literature examining the effects of workstation, eyewear and behavioral interventions on musculoskeletal and visual symptoms among computer users is large and heterogeneous. Methods: A systematic review of the literature used a best
- Support vector regression has been proposed in a number of image processing tasks including blind image deconvolution, image denoising and single frame super-resolution. As for other machine learning methods, the training is slow. In this paper,
- Instructions: In no more than five pages, please address the following criteria for Humanitarian Research.
- ZPAV 是以小波,降维,剪切零树,运动估计,算术编码等算法为理论基础的音视频编解码协议,具有压缩率高,比特率低而稳定, 应用领域广,发展潜力大,延拓性好,复杂度适中,易于集成电路实现等特点,是理想的信源编解码协议。-ZPAV (H265) is audio-visual codec protocol, very different from H264/MPEG4, ZPAV (H265) basic algorithm is wavelets, SPIHT, BSW, MMW, .....
- This monograph discusses how the U.S. Army’s intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) process should be adapted for military operations on urbanized terrain (MOUT). It notes the capabilities of this process to help a unit engage succes
- 压缩感知不可错过的经典文献,含源码地址Compressive_Sensing-香港中文大学-沙威-中文文献-Compressed sensing not miss the classic literature, including source code address Chinese University Compressive_Sensing-Hong Kong- Savoy- Chinese Literature