- 此文档是有关磁共振方面的实验文章,我们做电子的人员硬件并不是很扎实,假如大家在做项目之前能做这样的实验,我想项目成功的概率将会大增-This document is related to magnetic resonance aspects of experimental articles, we have the personnel to do electronic hardware is not very solid, if to do projects in the U.S. can do
- 详尽全面的自适应粒子滤波算法资料非常适合大家对该课题的研究-Detailed comprehensive information on adaptive particle filter is ideal for all the research projects
- This a thesis paper on iris recognition. it will be very helpful in guyz who are doin projects on biometric authentication- This is a thesis paper on iris recognition. it will be very helpful in guyz who are doin projects on biometric authentica
- ARM assembley language programming . to embed projects based on ARM family of micro controllers
- ARM assembley language programming . to embed projects based on ARM family of micro controllers
- ARM assembley language programming . to embed projects based on ARM family of micro controllers
- ARM assembley language programming . to embed projects based on ARM family of micro controllers
- libSigComp project is a complete and compliant SigComp? Framework to speed-up SigComp integration in Open-Source IMS projects. libSigComp homepage: http://code.google.com/p/libsigcomp/
- Codelock example, you can use to test on your site. I am uploading this in hope it can be of any use on any reverse engineering projects.
- 百万像素相机越来越应用广泛,本人利用U-1830相机开发很多项目,现在将U-1830上传给大家,供大家参考。-More and more megapixels camera wide range of applications, U-1830 I use a lot of camera development projects, U-1830 will now upload to you, for your reference.
- this patch can be used for delepmnet projects base on arm
- 根据本人近10年来项目管理的一些切身体验,重点论述项目投资控制管理中的几个方面。项目投资涉及的环节很多,需要动用的许多人员物资、大量资金。因此建设项目的投资控制的制约因素有很多方面。我想主要从决策、设计和施工三个阶段的投资控制问题谈一点粗浅的认识。-According to my past 10 years, a number of personal experience of project management, with emphasis on investment in several
- DKOP Labs research areas presentation. List all the ongoing projects as well as the completed projects. Research goals are highlighted and the possible issues and their possible solutions are also mentioned.
- Fat32 functions. some function that i used them in one of my projects.
- Preliminary results from the 2001 India census indicate that the population is now 1,027,015,247 [1], making India the second most populous country in the world [2]. The United Nations projects that by the year 2050, India will be the most popula
- 分数阶方面的书:介绍分数阶的发展以及分数阶在工程控制领域的应用研究-Fractional aspects of the book: the development and introduction of fractional fractional control in the field of applied research projects
- HVDC stands for High Voltage Direct Current and is today a well-proven technology employed for power transmission all over the world. In total about 70,000 MW HVDC transmission capacity is installed in more than 90 projects. HVDC stands for High V
- 网络学习,需要大量硬件设备实验才能熟悉各项功能,致使成本 较高,笔者在实际教学中,采用Cisco Packet Tracer 仿真网络实验软件,模拟各种组网实验,取得了良好的教学效果。Cisco Packet Tracer 是Cisco 公司开发的网络仿真工具软件,是一个为网络学习者设计的用于设计、配置和解决复杂问题的基于CCNA 层次的可 视化学习平台[1]。 随着经济的发展和国家科教兴国战略的实施,校园网络建设已逐步成为学校的基础建设项目,更成为衡量一个学校教育信息 化、
- 节能项目中无功补偿容量的确定,针对项目的具体应用说明@-Compensating capacity for energy saving projects to determine project-specific application instructions @
- Apress.Practical.Apache.Struts2.Web.2.0.Projects book