- From the point of view of quality management, it is an important issue to reduce the transmission time in the network. The quickest path problem is to 6ndthe path in the network to senda given amount of data from the source to the sink such that
- 针对目前常见的高清播放器的主要方案商进行技术比较和分析,Common view of the current high-definition player technology major program to carry out the comparison and analysis
- 信号处理未来发展的几篇文章,Signal processing-- A view of the future,where physics and mathematics meet-Signal processing the articles of the future development of the Signal processing- A view of the future, where physics and mathematics meet
- 在访问 Google 主页时,您可以使用多种语言查找信息、查看新闻标题、搜索超过 10 亿幅的图,z这就是介绍搜索引擎的文当 一流的搜索引擎-During his visit to Google Home Page, you can use the search information in multiple languages, view news headlines, search more than one billion of the map, z This is the intro
- 简要回顾了分布式控制系统策略组态软件的起步和发展历史;采用研究对比的方法系统分析了当前策略组态软件开发的现状。针 对当前的发展现状对今后组态软件的开发提出了几种值得借鉴和考虑的方向,并对未来的发展作了展望。-A brief review of distributed control system of the initial configuration software strategy and development history the use of research methodo
- 介绍了P2P 的概念和特点, 分析了P2P 搜索与传统搜索的不同之处, 并从结构角度出发剖析和比较了P2P 四种不同的搜索技 术, 给出了它们的优缺点。-Introduced the concept and characteristics of P2P, P2P search and analysis of the traditional difference between the search and from a structural point of view of the P2P
- OMAP5912 Multimedia Processor Display Interface Reference Guide Introduces the setup, components, and features of the OMAP5912 multimedia processor and provides a high-level view of the device architecture.-OMAP5912 Multimedia Processo
- We introduce a noise-resistant algorithm for reconstructing a watertight surface from point cloud data. It forms a Delaunay tetrahedralization, then uses a variant of spectral graph partitioning to decide whether each tetrahedron is inside or out
- Android view report japen
- This paper explains the role of the industrial sector in the economic development of Nigeria. E-view statistical package was used to carry out the analysis
- 量子点显示屏或将成主流,文章站在市场的角度分析了量子点显示屏的未来状态和发展方向-Quantum dots display or will become mainstream, the article' s point of view of the market standing quantum dots display the status and future direction
- 这是一本关于web data mining的书籍。既适合初学者,也适合有一定基础的人群。作者刘兵是Web挖掘研究领域的国际知名专家,在Web内容挖掘、互联网观点挖掘、数据挖掘等领域有非常高的造诣。-This is a book about web data mining. Not only for beginners, but also the basis for a certain crowd. Bing is the author of Web mining research interna
- we present a new method of synthesizing novel views from the vir- tual cameras in multiview camera confi gurations for 3DTV system. We introduce a semi N-view & N-depth framework in order to estimate disparity maps effi ciently and cor
- During the last decade, many variants of the original particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm have been proposed. In many cases, the difference between two variants can be seen as an algorithmic component being present in one variant but
- 在动物饲料市场上大豆和菜粕互帮互为替代品,为了研究用大豆主力期货为菜粕现货套期保值的功能,本文运用确定套期保值比率的OLS、VAR和ECM三个模型和套期保值绩效的衡量指标,对上述二者的套期保值比率和绩效进行了实证研究。结果显示,大豆主力期货和菜粕现货周数据的最佳套期保值比率是0.1338,套期保值绩效为0.0832。在本文中,从模型上看,ECM模型的套期保值比率和绩效比OLS和VAR模型要高,但利用样本数据所得的结果是OLS模型的套期保值比率和绩效比VAR和ECM模型要高。不过随着中国期货市场
- 在范围广泛的行业全面的例子,它显示了如何衡量软件质量和使用度量改进软件开发过程。四个主要类别的质量标准和模型是解决:质量管理、软件的可靠性和投影,复杂性,和客户视图。此外,这本书讨论了测量的基本理论,具体的质量标准和工具,并应用方法指标对软件开发过程。 -Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Second Edition, is the definitive book on this essential topic of so
- 预防疲劳驾驶专利,该专利介绍了一种防瞌睡后视镜。它不经具有一般汽车后视镜的功能,而且有防瞌睡功能,使用方便,防御功能强,准确率高。-Prevent fatigue driving patent describes the rear-view mirror of an anti-drowsy. It is not the general car rearview mirror function, and the anti-sleepy features, easy to use, the def
- We are guided through security scans at the airport, and then whisked away in a speeding caravan of vehicles. As we reach the semi-secret world of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working groups, we enter the glass doors that mark the p
- 这是一篇讲述信号检测与估计方法的很好的文章,建议认真阅读!-This is a very good article about the signal detection and estimation methods, it is recommended to carefully read!
- SFS算法的一篇文章,针对传统SFS( shape fr om shading ) 必须已知光源参数的缺陷, 提出了一种新的使用神经网络恢复单幅未知光源参数环境中物体三维形状的方法。-SFS algorithm an article, in view of the traditional SFS (shape fr om shading) must be known source parameters of defects, this paper proposes a new environme