- This report summarizes the results of the workshop on “Grand Challenges in Computer Science Research in Brazil - 2006 – 2016”, organized in Sã o Paulo on May 8-9, 2006. The Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) promoted the workshop, with suppor
- 面向对象课程设计是通信工程专业非常重要的实践性环节之一,是学完面向对象程序设计课程后的一次全面的综合练习。-Object-oriented design is the communication engineering course one very important practical aspect is the completion of object-oriented programming a full and comprehensive training programs after
- Cooperative Control for Moving-Target Circular Formation of Nonholonomic Vehicles
- Performance comparison of Capacity approaching QC-LDPC and Code Matched Interleaver based Turbo codes in Single Relay Cooperation. Research paper published in IACG 2016, NUAA Conference
- its a JCR list 2016 that helps researcher to publish their work internationally . This helps all to journal as per their need-its a JCR list 2016 that helps researcher to publish their work internationally . This helps all to journal as per their ne
- Performance of solar cells using thermoelectric module in hot sites 2016 Renewable-Energy
- 关于VLC中非线性研究的2011年到2016年的四篇文章,对于研究LED的非线性建模及相应的均衡计数有帮助!-Nonlinear Study on VLC 2011 to 2016 four articles for the study of nonlinear modeling and the corresponding LED equalizer count helpful!
- The Academic Phrasebank is a general resource for academic writers. It makes explicit the more common phraseological ‘nuts and bolts’ of academic writing.
- This the file for the omp algorithm for compressed sensing-This is the file for the omp algorithm for compressed sensing
- 报文规范,相关文档,POBC参考资料2016A(Message specification)