- 书文提出了一种称为平均反馈(AF)的新算法.该算法利用两个相邻的 0FDM符号之间的荧联信息对LS算法的估计结果进行平均和反馈.以减少离斯白噪声岛子信道间干扰(1cI)对信道估计结 果的影囔。-The book article proposed one kind is called the average to feed back (AF) the new algorithm. This algorithm uses two neighboring between the 0FDM ma
- 对黑锅进行了详细的描述看了的朋友都知道很给力的 -For a detailed descr iption of black mark watched friends all know it to force
- 。提出了一种基于路面标记的自动车辆检测算法,用于检测车辆并排除阴影干扰, 进而实现对过往车辆进行正确计数,能更可靠地收集各车道的实时车流信息。-In this paper,a land mark based method is proposed for vehicle detection and shadow rejection,and finally vehicle counting is achieved based on the land m ark detection metho
- GB-T 14381-1993,本标准规定了程控数字用户自动电话交换机的技术条件 主要内容包括 术语 产品分类 技术要 求 试验方法 检验规则 标志 包装 运输 贮存等-GB-T 14381-1993, the standard specifies the technical conditions controlled digital automatic telephone exchanges of the main users include the term product classi
- Foliage Penetration radar book by Davis Mark about Synthetic Aperture Radar For Foliage Penetration