- 一篇综述性的文章:近半个世纪以来相控阵雷达在全球的应用愈来愈广,近几年来所看到的突破,导致以往不可能的性能。这可由被称为单片微波集成电路(MMIC)的GaAs微波集成电路的开发作例证,它们使制造重量轻、体积小、高可靠性和较低价格的有源电子扫描阵列(AESA)成为可能。这种开发已使现在有可能制造一种成本低的35GHz导弹搜索相控阵,其价格为30美元/单元(包含所有 电子设备的阵列总价格除以单元数)。由于集成可使整个T/R模块置于一个芯片上。由Moore定律预测的发展使之可制作具有多种优点的数字
- To improve network spect ral efficiency , a network coding2aware met rics for wireless routing expected coding2aware t ransmission count ( ECTX) is proposed. In general , there are two steps in cod2 ing2aware routing communication : one is findin
- 本文章能实现单信道T比特的高速传输,其中包含OTDM系统-This article can realize T-bit single-channel high-speed transmission, which contains the OTDM system
- Asymmetric punctured to 1/2 turbo coded modulation Reference: A. Stefanov and T.M Duman, “Turbo-Coded Modulation for Systems with Transmit and Receive Antenna Diversity over Block Fading Channels: System Model, Decoding Approaches, and Practical C
- Asymmetric punctured to 1/2 turbo coded 8-PSK modulation Reference: A. Stefanov and T.M Duman, “Turbo-Coded Modulation for Systems with Transmit and Receive Antenna Diversity over Block Fading Channels: System Model, Decoding Approaches, and Practi
- The RT3052 SOC combines Ralink’s 802.11n draft compliant 2T2R MAC/BBP/RF, a high performance 384MHz MIPS24KEc CPU core, 5-port integrated 10/100 Ethernet switch/PHY, an USB OTG and a Gigabit Ethernet MAC. With the RT3052, there are ver
- The present document defines the Stage 2 service descr iption for the Evolved 3GPP Packet Switched Domain - also known as the Evolved Packet System (EPS) in this document. The Evolved 3GPP Packet Switched Domain provides IP connectivity using the Evo
- 数据结构构建通讯录 printf( \t 1.创建通讯录链表\n ) printf( \t 2.将姓名为Name的好友的手机号改为MTel\n ) printf( \t 3.输出通讯录\n ) printf( \t 4.将通讯录按照好友姓名进行非递减排序\n ) printf( \t 5.将两个按姓名非递减排序的通讯录合并为一个,姓名相同且手机号相同的好友记录在结果中只保留一个\n ) printf( \t 6.统计籍贯是大连的好友人数\n ) print
- 本规约参考中华人民共和国电力行业标准DL/T equ、IEC60870102、1996所规 定的传输规约。 本标准采用IEC60870-5-2 第5节所定义的非平衡传输规则,即传输过程的启动仅限 于某一固定点,在本规约中主站端为启动端,而电能计量数据终端设备位于计数站,始 终为从动站。-The code reference of the people s Republic of China electric power industry standard DL/T equ, I
- 基于循环移位图的全相位滤波器本文提出了一种新型的全相位 D盯 数字滤波器频率响应的求取方法一循环 移位图法 , 它是基于全相位滤波器 和原有 F I R 滤波器的相互关系而构造的 , 充分体现了 o F i u r e r 变换的循环移位性质和 卷积窗的关系。 该方法直观 , 深刻反映 了全相位滤波器的内在机理-T i s p a伴 r p e r s e n t s a n o v e l s o l u ti o n t o a c 明i e r h t e f e r 甲 e n