- BestPractice is a tool to slow down or speed up music, either from a wave file, an MP3 file or directly from a CD. The thing is, that ordinarily the sound is distorted when slowed down our sped up - you get the effect like when playing a 45 rpm recor
- Thursday, August 04, 2005 Voice cancellation and my weird taste in music My sister Lubna has this weird habit of doing a bad karaoke act by turning on voice cancellation in the speaker settings and playing any song she (thinks she) can pull o
- Debugging is very important in the development of the embedded system.BDM Can be used to debug most microprocessors of Motorola at the low leve1.This article tries to describe the method for debugging MPC860 by BDM and a useful tool—MPCBDM.-Debuggi
- 短波、超短波和微波频段等多种无线信道是战术通信的主要传输通道,它是 一种开放式的自然资源,不会被消耗,不使用是浪费;但它具有与其它自然资源 不同的属性,如果使用或设计不当将会造成电波秩序混乱,特别是当多信道传输 设备聚集在一个有限的空间之内时,会引起严重的互干扰。本论文针对战术通信系统中所面临的己方电磁干扰问题,较为深入地研究了 多信道互干扰的产生原因和处理方法。 -Multiple wireless channels such as short wave,ultrashor