- 某城区有 36 个垃圾集中点,每天都要从垃圾处理厂(第 37 号节点)出发将垃圾运回。现有一种载重 6 吨的运输车。每个垃圾点需要用 10 分钟的时间装车,运输车平均速度为 40 公里/小时(夜里运输,不考虑塞车现象);每台车每日平均工作 4 小时。运输车重载运费 1.8 元 / 吨公里;运输车和装垃圾用的铲车空载费用 0.4 元 / 公里;并且假定街道方向均平行于坐标轴。请你给出满意的运输调度方案以及计算程序。,City have a focal point 36 of refuse ever
- 若要在n个城市间建设通信网络,只需要铺设n-1条线路达到每个城市都连通即可。请用C语言编写程序求出以最低经济代价建设这个通信网的方案,存储结构和实现算法由学生自己选定并实现。-N To build communication networks between cities, only paved route to n-1 connectivity to each city. Please use the C programming language in order to find the lo
- Calculation of the path loss is usually called prediction. Exact prediction is possible only for simpler cases, such as the free space propagation or the flatearth model, which is called deterministic methods. They based on the physical laws of
- 香港城市大学李坪教授的关于ZIGZAG程序。具体文献可以参照 http://www.ee.cityu.edu.hk/liping/Research/Journal-Professor Li Ping, City University of Hong Kong on ZIGZAG program. Specific literature can refer to http://www.ee.cityu.edu.hk/liping/Research/Journal
- The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) Monitoring Team has investigated increases in Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) events observed since 2009. The Oklahoma City-based WAAS Monitoring Team initially observe
- ZXJ10局用数字程控交换机具有长话、市话或长市合一功能。ZXJ10具有强大的组网功能,在电信交换网中可以作为端局、汇接局、长途局、关口局来使用,还可以作为独立的STP或综合的STP来使用,另外还可以作为PBX来使用。ZXJ10既可以建立单模块局,也可以建立多模块局。母局与各交换模块间可以采用高速光纤连接。可以采用多种速率的内外置式PDH和SDH设备进行组网。组成PDH、SDH或二者混合的各类环形网、链形网、树形网络及混合形的网络。 传统的电话网紧电路交换方式传输语音,所要求的传输宽带为64
- Hanoi tower (Towers of Hanoi) is the French M.Claus (Lucas) in 1883 Thailand to France, Hanoi is the capital of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War, which is now the city of Hu Zhiming in 1883, the French mathematician Edouard Lucas mentioned this s
- 实验报告是让人他一我去额人人额额额我我是飞个好好久就看-report in the big city
- The beginning spills through city veins Into the arteries And under powers poison clouds We move like the shadows Through the alley ways Through nightmares bought and sold as dreams Through barren factories Through boarded schools Thr
- 某市有一码头,每次仅容一辆船停泊装卸货,由于经常有船等候进港,部分人提出要扩建码头。经过调查历史资料发现,码头平均每月停船24艘,每艘船的停泊时间为24±20小时,相邻两艘船的到达时间间隔为30±15小时,如果一艘船因有船在港而等候1小时,其消耗成本为1000元。经预算,扩建码头大约需要1350万元,故市长决策如下:如果未来五年内停泊船只因等候的成本消耗总和超过扩建码头花费则扩建码头,否则,不予扩建。因此,希望你能够帮助市长做出决策。此问题已知到达的大概时间和大概停泊时间,对于此问题用概率统计的
- COde of city bug COde of city bug -COde of city bugCOde of city bugCOde of city bugCOde of city bug
- 玩具城原代码,本人已反编译为正常版本。欢迎使用-Toy City source code, I have decompiled the normal version.