- 如何计算结构体的大小运算符sizeof可以计算出给定类型的大小,对于32位系统来说,sizeof(char) = 1 sizeof(int) = 4。基本数据类型的大小很好计算,我们来看一下如何计算构造数据类型的大小。 -How to calculate the structure of the size of the sizeof operator can calculate the size of a given type, for a 32-bit systems that, size
- 本文提出了一种快速,可靠的立体匹配算法产生浓密视差图,通过使用快速互相关、矩形秩和3D最大表面技术粗到细计划。-This paper presents a fast and reliable stereo matching algorithm which produces a dense disparity map by using fast cross correlation, rectangular subregioning (RSR) and 3D maximum-surfac
- 课件.随机过程(东南大学)精品课件欢迎下载-Courseware. Random process (Southeast University) fine courseware are welcome to download
- EasyJTAG-H仿真器支持ARM7系列和ARM9的部分芯片,支持ADS1.2集成开发环境,该文档纤细介绍了其安装和应用。-EasyJTAG-H simulator supports ARM7 and ARM9 family of some chips, support ADS1.2 integrated development environment, the document describes the installation and fine application.
- ICAO ADS-B Mode S important change in BDS code (fine latitude) command
- Another fine DVB CA (Scrambling (Conditional Access System)) lecture. Somewhat hard to find, no nonsense explanation.
- 一本关于arcgis mobile在android系统终端应用的说明文档,写的蛮好的,供大家参考。-Arcgis mobile the documentation the android system terminal applications, write a fine, and for your reference.
- 北邮通信原理试题,挺好的,比较适合复试的同学-BUPT communication principle examination, fine, more suitable for re-examination of students
- ns2网络仿真器的中文使用手册精美版,可以极大方便你的学习-ns2 network simulator Chinese manual fine version, you can greatly facilitate your learning
- 目前已经提出了许多不同的算法来解决OFDM 系统中的PAPR 问题,本章详 细介绍了其中的限幅法、压缩扩张法、星座图扩展法、选择性映射法和部分传输 序列法。在介绍每一种算法时,针对其主要存在的问题进行了相应的改进,使每 一种算法都成为比较实用的算法。-Has put forward a number of different algorithms to solve the problem PAPR OFDM system, this chapter details Fine d
- CAN通信协议的学习资料,从入门到精通,本人整理,绝对精品。-CAN communication protocol learning materials, entry to the master, I am finishing, absolutely fine.
- A Fast Coarse-to-Fine Vehicle Logo Detection and Recognition Method
- A Definition for Fine Tuning in Analogy to the Chaos
- AN014_微细间距 QFP 器件手工焊接指南 (中文)-AN014_ fine pitch QFP devices Hand Soldering Guide
- Spiders, close relatives of oil-covered crabs and crayfish, are the only sentient animals who are really vital to the earth's ecosystem. They usually can be found in webs of fine silk, either having just eaten or about to eat, or just having had sex
Accurate Segmentation of Cervical Cytoplasm and Nuclei Based on Multiscale Convolutional Network and Graph Partitioning
- In this paper, a multiscale convolutional network (MSCN) and graph-partitioning-based method is proposed for accurate segmentation of cervical cytoplasm and nuclei. Specifically, deep learning via the MSCN is explored to extract scale invariant f