- This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that license. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
- Angel是一个小型的游戏引擎 This documentation is meant as an introduction to Angel, but also serves as a small intro into basic game architecture. If you're a beginner, don't be off-put by the advanced stuff. If you're experienced, don't be patronized by the be
video scaler
- Scales streaming video up or down in resolution. Bilinear and nearest neighbor modes are supported. Run-time adjustment of input and output resolution, scaling factors, and scale type.
Keil MDK RL-ARM 实时库用户指南
- Keil MDK RL-ARM 实时库用户指南 中文版 包括以下内容 RL-RTX 描述了RL-ARM实时操作系统的结构,包括任务优先级、上下文切换、单个CPU下如何管理多个任务以及在RL-RTX中用到的其他一些 RTOS特性。 RL-FlashFS 描述了 RL-ARM中Flash文件系统的结构,包括文件创建、保存、读取以及在标准的flash,RAM或是存储卡设备中修改文件。 RL-TCPnet 描述了RL-ARM中TCP/IP协议栈组的结构,包括多种TCP/IP特性,以及
C-P-P-source-code 使用结构类型表示复数
- 使用结构类型表示复数。设计程序输入两个复数,可以选择进行复数的+、-、×或÷运算,并输出结果。-Using the structure type represents complex numbers. Enter two complex design process, you can choose the plural+,-,× or ÷ operations, and output.
- RFX2401一款高性能PA 用于蓝牙、WLAN、Zigbee和MIMO设计的两个高度集中单芯片及单芯片解决方案是首个RF前端集成电路(RFeICs)。RFX2401主要应用于蓝牙1级和单端口Zigbee。该芯片在BiCMOS器件中集成了功率放大器、LNA、发送和接收开关电路、相关匹配网络、以及谐波滤波器。 前端的优越性能、高灵敏度和效率、低噪音、小型化和低成本使其非常适用于需要扩展范围和带宽的应用,这种扩散可能是10x的。RFX2401具有集成功率检测电路,只需一个外接电源电容器和用
- RFC3576,radius扩展协议DM和Coa消息。华为5200G采用中间程序来实现,必须开启授权,否则丢弃相应消息包。-RFC3576, radius extended protocol messages DM and Coa. Huawei among procedures used to achieve the 5200G, you must open the license, or discard the corresponding packets.
- ICT(台湾吉鸿)的收币器通讯协议,可以与硬币接收/找零装置对接。由上位机或单片机控制。 此为测试软件,能清楚看到收发的指令。-ICT (Taiwan ICT) and communication protocols coin collection, coins can receive/give change device docking. Controlled by a PC or microcontroller. This is a test software, can send and
- 看门狗,又叫 watchdog timer,是一个定时器电路, 一般有一个输入,叫喂狗,一个输出到MCU的RST端,MCU正常工作的时候,每隔一端时间输出一个信号到喂狗端,给 WDT 清零,如果超过规定的时间不喂狗,(一般在程序跑飞时),WDT 定时超过,就回给出一个复位信号到MCU,是MCU复位. 防止MCU死机. 看门狗的作用就是防止程序发生死循环,或者说程序跑飞-Watchdog, called watchdog timer, a timer circuit, generally have
- ISO 15765-2, or ISO-TP, is an international standard for sending data packets over a CAN-Bus.
- 分析lte协议中rrc层与mac之间关联的参数。包括mac_main_config、sps-config等。对lte学习或开发人员很有参考意义-Analysis lte agreement between rrc layer and mac related parameters. Including mac_main_config, sps-config. Great reference significance of the lte learning or developers
- 随机微分方程或随机振动matlab程序,仅供参考-stochastic differential equations or stochastic vibration (修改文件后缀为 .doc ,用word打开)
- In wireless communications, fading is deviation of the attenuation that a carrier-modulated telecommunication signal experiences over certain propagation media. The fading may vary with time, geographical position and/or radio frequency, and is often
- 光纤光缆技术发展以及在FTTH中的应用 综述了近期光纤光缆制造、施工及维护技术上的发展特点,分析了其发展趋势,并就我国光纤光缆技术与产业的发展提出了一些值得思考的问题。FTTH正在走入人们实用化的视野,国内外很多光缆生产厂商或研究所都提出了自己的构想,本文着重介绍了FTTH应用中的一些典型的光纤及光缆技术,对FTTH在我国的发展前景做了分析,并提出了自己在FTTH发展中的一些观点。-Technological development of optical fiber and cable
- MFC编程大全,主攻MFC问题,使用于初级或者是查阅文档-Encyclopedia of MFC programming, the main MFC, the use of or access to primary documents
- MPC8260-MCC-HOWTO Abstract: This document attempts to give the linux developer community of motorola(R) s mpc8260 processor a fairly good idea of programming details of Multi Channel controller. This document can be distributed under GPL ve
- (九宫问题)在一个3×3的九宫中有1-8这8个数及一个空格随机的摆放在其中的格子里,如图1-1所示。现在要求实现这个问题:将该九宫格调整为如图1-1右图所示的形式。调整的规则是:每次只能将与空格(上、下、或左、右)相邻的一个数字平移到空格中。试编程实现这一问题的求解。-(Nine-palace issues) in a 3 × 3 of the Nine-palace are 1-8 this 8 random number and the placing of a space in which
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- Please do not upload copyrighted content and the sourcecode which has trojan or virus
- Please do not upload copyrighted content and the sourcecode which has trojan or virus