- 为实现基于达芬奇平台的视频系统,本文研究H.264视频编码算法移植和优化方法,针对达芬奇平台实现算法的xDM封装,以便算法通 codecEngine框架调用。基于QT设计并实现一套数字媒体处理算法的 Codecserver自动部署系统,具有快速集成、验证与修改xDM算法的功能,解决达芬奇平台上算法的CodecServer集成和应用程序部署不便的问题。 -DaVinci platform video system, this paper H.264 video coding algor
- The files adi_ssl_init.h and adi_ssl_init.c are used to define the functions adi_ssl_Init() and 慳di_ssl_Terminate()?which initialize and terminate all the Blackfin System Services in the appropriate order, for a particular EZ-Kit, depending
- HYBRID VIDEO CODING MODEL OF FINITE RIDGELET TRANSFORM AND H.264/AVC Tomokazu Murakami and Masashi Takahashi Embedded System Platform Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. 292, Yoshida-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, 244-0817, Japan
- Bit Error Rate analysis of an Extended Receiver for Rectangular PAM. The performance of a digital communication system in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) can be assessed by the measurement of the bit error rate (BER). The Si
- William H. Tranter等著,《通信系统仿真在无线通信中的应用原理》,实践与理论相结合的好书,快速掌握无线通信技术!-William H. Tranter,the application of the principle of communication system simulation in wireless communication, a combination of practice and theory books, to grasp the wireless commu
- 基于FPGA的H264编码系统设计与实现-Design and Implementation ofH.264 Encoding System Based on FPGA
- inmarsat Terminal Components for Typical Aero-H/H+ – Satellite Data Unit – Radio Frequency Unit – High Power Amplifier – Cabin Interface Unit (R-C) – Control Display Unit (DLC-800, MIDU, GUI, etc.) – High Gain Antenna System
- A 16-QAM signal X, whose power is normalized as unity, is transmitted with OFDM over the discrete-time channel model h which has been used in Homework #2 and #3. As depicted in the below figure, the transmitter (TX) is now equipped with an N-point ID