- ABAQUS VERIFY 运行用户子程序_软件,设置,Verify_非常详细版!.doc
- 为实现基于达芬奇平台的视频系统,本文研究H.264视频编码算法移植和优化方法,针对达芬奇平台实现算法的xDM封装,以便算法通 codecEngine框架调用。基于QT设计并实现一套数字媒体处理算法的 Codecserver自动部署系统,具有快速集成、验证与修改xDM算法的功能,解决达芬奇平台上算法的CodecServer集成和应用程序部署不便的问题。 -DaVinci platform video system, this paper H.264 video coding algor
- p2p成果出来以后,要对p2p算法和性能进行评价,p2p模拟器可以正确性验证并对协议的性能进行分析,本文就介绍几种常用的模拟器。-After the results from p2p, p2p algorithm and to evaluate the performance, p2p simulator can verify the correctness and analyze the performance of the agreement, this article will intro
- Simulink model to verify the expected BER performance of a coherent BFSK system using the optimal threshold and proper reference frequencies for MFSK against the theoretical Pb using standard methodology. The first nulls spectral bandwidths for the B
- HTTP业务是构成3G数据业务的重要部分,因此有必要研究3G网络承载HTTP业务时的性能。介绍了HTTP业务 的基本概念后,提出一种基于网页对象的建模方法,并在OPNET平台上得到实现。最后,根据仿真得到的流量数据,用方差一 时间曲线图和R/S图法分析了模型的自相似特性,验证了模型的正确性。-HTTP operations constitute an important part of 3G data services, 3G networks it is necessary to st
- very good file.pls go throufgh this and verify
- It has been proved that network coding can be used to improve the throughput for multicast t ransmission , but such systems are very vulnerable to contamination at tack , and the signatures for t raditional network are no longer suitable for net
- It has been proved that network coding can be used to improve the throughput for multicast t ransmission , but such systems are very vulnerable to contamination at tack , and the signatures for t raditional network are no longer suitable for net
- 恒频恒压(CVCF)逆变电源的输出电压波形质量是衡量其性能的重要指标之一。文章采用一种重复控制和双闭环控制相结合的电压波形控制策略,以重复控制器提高逆变电源输出电压的稳态精度,减小总谐波畸变率;以双闭环控制器达到较快的动态响应速度。该方案在一台采用TMS320F240 DSP控制芯片的50 Hz三相PWM逆变器上得到验证。-Constant voltage constant frequency (CVCF) Inverter output voltage waveform quality is
- We developed an OPNET model for GPRS The model implemented various GPRS-specific protocols We presented implementation of two additional protocols in an existing GPRS model: RLC/MAC BSSGP Three simulated scenarios were used to verify t
- 无线通信网络的发展趋势之一是将各种不同无线接入技术进行融合。多接入选择作为无线资源管理中的关键技术是目前异构网融合的研究热点之一。从用户的利益出发,充分考虑预接入网络的费用、QoS 和稳定性;假定不同的网络运营商之间是彼此竞争的,即没有达成统一的协议,提出了一种结合目标代价函数与层次分析法的动态多接入选择算法。通过对影响因素进行分析和二次判断,建立了网络选择决策模型,仿真结果验证了该算法的正确性与有效性。-Trends in wireless communication network is o
- DAC3283评估板原理图,可以验证DAC的配置及各种工作方式。-DAC3283 evaluation board schematic, you can verify the DAC configuration and a variety of ways of working.
- Simulink Model for sending data to pic18f4550 usb and proteus simulation to verify the model.
- 单片机双机通讯,对学习51的很有帮助,此程序已经调试验证通过,值得学习借鉴。-The single-chip dual-machine communication, learning 51 helpful this program is to debug and verify through is worth learning from.
- A board was built with an LM2577 to verify the output ripple, the efficiency and the EMI spectrum of radiation. The converter with some output capacitors can respect the FCC standards, but not the SAE J1113.
- This paper presents a fully-digital-controlled shunt active filter for harmonic termination of a power distribution system. The main purpose of the active filter based on voltage detection is not to compensate for current harmonics but to damp
- 生成m序列,并验证游程特性。-generate m sequence,and verify run length characteristic !
- 通信网中,经过对分析的编程仿真,对爱尔兰B公式以及爱尔兰C公式有了更深的认识,也对通信业务分析的方法也加深了理解,并且利用Matlab GUI 编程验证了算法的正确性。-Communication network, through simulation analysis on programming, Ireland Ireland B formula and the formula C a deeper understanding of methods for the analysis of
- 这是 一个有关C语言中验证位域 的算法,请在家看看,有意见可以交流-This is a C language algorithms to verify the bit field, please take a look at home, there can exchange views
- 这是 一个有关C语言中验证删除特定客串 的算法,请在家看看,有意见可以交流-This is a C language algorithms to verify delete a specific guest, please take a look at home, there can exchange views