DeblurringImages Using theBlindDeconvolutionAlgorithm.rar
- The Blind Deconvolution Algorithm can be used effectively when no information about the distortion (blurring and noise) is known. The algorithm restores the image and the point-spread function (PSF) simultaneously. The accelerated, damped Richardson-
MyDoom.A source code
- Mydoom, also known as W32.MyDoom@mm, Novarg, Mimail.R and Shimgapi is a computer worm affecting Microsoft Windows. It was first sighted on 26 January 2004. It became the fastest-spreading e-mail worm ever (as of January 2004), exceeding previous reco
- 气候系统是一种耗散的!具有多个不稳定源的非线性!非平稳系统 该文利用支持向量机(SV M )算法在处理非 线性问题中的优越性和经验模态分解(E M l))算法在处理非平稳信号中的优势,采用将 E M D 与 SV M 相结合的短期气候预测方法,并应用到广西季节降水预报中
- 【白熊求职】58到家、云家政、e家洁上门O2O类APP分析报告.pdf 【白熊求职】58到家、云家政、e家洁上门O2O类APP分析报告.pdf 【白熊求职】58到家、云家政、e家洁上门O2O类APP分析报告.pdf
- CADe_Simu 是一款经典实用的电气线路绘制仿真软件,提供各种常用的电气电路元件符号,用户可以直接调用,帮助用户轻松绘制电气电路图,并可以模拟运行,支持单步模拟,可连接E/S(PLC),目前已经汉化,全中文操作界面,更适合国内用户使用。