- cut.c 给定一块宽度为W的矩形板,矩形板的高度不受限制。现需要从板上分别切割出n个高度为hi,宽度为wi的矩形零件。切割的规则是零件的高度方向与矩形板的高度方向保持一致。问如何切割使得所使用的矩形板的高度h最小?
segment on graph cut
- segment on graph cut
graph-cut background subtraction
- 基于graph-cut的背景减除算法。.....
max flow/min cut
- max flow/min cut 实现最大流最小割算法的程序
grow-cut MATLAB代码
- growcut的MATLAB源代码,可以跑通
IEC 60793-1-44 Optical fibres - Measurement methods and test procedures - Cut-off wavelength
- IEC 60793-1-44 Optical fibres - Measurement methods and test procedures - Cut-off wavelength
- 一个经典的求解最大流最小割代码 VC++版本,A classical solution of maximum flow minimum cut code VC++ Version
- Graph Cut algorithm implementation. Includes MATLAB compiled codes.,Graph Cut algorithm implementation. Includes MATLAB compiled codes.
- graph cut algorithm ,graph cut algorithm
- 本文首先介绍了需要通过graph cut最小化的能量函数的特性。虽然是二进制变量但是很容易推广到其他方面。我们详细描述了通过graphcut最小化的能量函数。并提供了最小化能量函数的通用构建。最后给出了最小化二进制能量函数的必要条件。,In this paper, we give a characterization of the energy functions that can be minimized by graph cuts. Our results are restricted to
- Implementation of grab cut image segmentation algorithm,Implementation of grab cut image segmentation algorithm
- C++语言下, 关于图论算法的一些模版, 包括一般图最大匹配, km匹配, 最小割等等, 共15个模版,C++ language under the graph theory algorithm on a number of templates, including the maximum matching in general graph, km matching, minimum cut, etc., a total of 15 templates
- 分支-切割法是把分支定界法与割平面法结合起来,用来求解混合整数规划问题。 ,Branch and cut is a method of combinatorial optimization for solving integer linear programs, that is, linear programming problems where some or all the unknowns are restricted to integer values. The method is
- 英国sussex大学图像研究所James Malcolm博士写的Graph cut分割,可对图像进行实时分割,解压到linux下后可直接编译运行-Graph cut segmentation in tensor space Often intensity alone does not provide enough discriminating power for image segmentation. This work demonstrates extending the standard
- matlab gui界面设计,包括:图像的剪切和显示,彩色图像灰度直方图获取;灰度直方图,直方图均衡化和直方图匹配等-matlab gui interface design, including: images cut and shows histogram for color image gray histogram, histogram equalization and histogram matching
- 采用graph-cut背景减除的算法-backgroud subtraction algorithm using graph-cut
- graph cut 优化算法的最新版本,包含C++版本(在VS2005以上版本可以调通)和Matlab接口,-graph cut optimization algorithm of the latest version, includes C++ version (or later in the VS2005 can be transferred through) and the Matlab interface
- image segmentation: introduction of graph cut, grab cut, normalize cut,-image segmentation: introduction of graph cut, grab cut, normalize cut,...
- cut 最小割问题 网络G=(V,E)的割cut(S,T)是将G的顶点集V划分为2个不相交的子集S和T,使s Î S , t Î T ,且cut(S,T) = {(u,v)Î E | u Î S,vÎ T}。设每条边(u,v)的边权为a(u,v),则割 cut(S,T)的权值为cut(S,T)中所有边权之和。最小割问题要求网络G 的权值最小的割。-cut the minimum cut problem network G = (V, E)
Maximum flow / min cut
- Maximum flow / minimum cut through path algorithm