- ide的verilog设计,已经经过验证。
- ide接口程序,是用verilog写的,高手进阶程序-ide interface program is written using verilog, master advanced procedures. .
- ide接口时序和最全的接口定义,通过它可以实现硬盘的扇区读写-ide interface timing and the most comprehensive interface definition, it can be achieved by sector hard disk read and write
- 三段式verilog的ide程序,但只有DMA部分,需要自己添加PIO的代码-verilog three-step procedure of the ide, but only parts of DMA, PIO required to add their own code
- 对vga接口做了详细的介绍,并且有一 ·三段式verilog的ide程序,但只有DMA ·电子密码锁,基于fpga实现,密码正 ·IIR、FIR、FFT各模块程序设计例程, ·基于逻辑工具的以太网开发,基于逻 ·自己写的一个测温元件(ds18b20)的 ·光纤通信中的SDH数据帧解析及提取的 ·VHDL Programming by Example(McGr ·这是CAN总线控制器的IP核,源码是由 ·FPGA设计的SDRAM控制器,有仿真代码 ·xili
- For all thoses interested in a new language and programming paradigm. This is a complete ide for programming in the psC - Parallel and synchronous C- Language. This language is a high level replacement for VHDL/verilog.-For all thoses interested in a
- 利用verilog语言产生17路PWM波,控制17路舵机,可以作为IP核添加到AVALON总线上,在nios ide里用C语言控制。-Using verilog language production of 17 Road PWM signal to control 17 Servos, can be used as IP core to the AVALON bus, in the nios ide in control with the C language.
- FPGA的学习,熟悉QuartusII软件的各种功能,各种逻辑算法设计,接口模块(RS232,LCD,VGA,SPI,I2c等)的设计,时序分析,硬件优化等,自己开始设计简单的FPGA板子。 ③、NiosII的学习,熟悉NiosII的开发流程,熟悉开发软件(SOPC,NiosII ide),了解NiosII的基本结构,设计NiosII开发板,编写NiosII C语言程序,调试板子各模块功能。-verilog语言的学习,熟悉verilog语言的各种语法。 ②、FPGA的学习,熟悉
- ide DVD verilog Code
- A Code that illustrates 12 bit switch, 2x1 Mux, 2x4 Decoder in behavioral modeling in verilog HDL using modelsim ide
- This Advance Digital Design Manual, that is taught in our University, it takes from the basic to the advance in verilog Programming using Modelsim ide, very good for self learning-This is Advance Digital Design Manual, that is taught in our Universit
- 基于verilog HDL的数字正交解调FPGA实现,仿真结果验证正确,ide为vivado 2014- U57FA u4E8Everilog HDL u7684 u6570 u5B57 u6B63 u4EA4 u89E3 u8C03 u5B9E u73B0 uFF0C u4EFF u771F u7ED3 u679C u9A8C u8BC1 u6B3 u786E uFF0Cide u4E3Avivado 2014
- 利用硬件(可编程逻辑器件FPGA)实现密码算法SHA256,在FPGA中嵌入软核NIOSii,在NIOSii上进行软件编程。 硬件EDA工具为ALTERA的Quartus ii,软件ide为eclipse(嵌在Quartua中)。(The hardware (programmable logic device FPGA) is used to implement the cryptographic algorithm SHA256, and the soft core NIOSii is em
- eeprom工程,实现了基本的读写,供参考。工程使用的ide为“ISE Design Suite 14.7”,使用时可根据自己硬件,修改引脚配置和逻辑可控制。(EEPROM project, the realization of the basic reading and writing for reference. The ide used in the project is "ISE Design Suite 14.7", which can be used to mod
- 用verilog实现了uart功能的demo工程。工程使用的ide为“ISE Design Suite 14.7”,使用时可根据自己硬件,修改引脚配置即可。(The demo project of UART function is realized with verilog. The ide used in the project is "ISE Design Suite 14.7", which can be used to modify the pin configura
- 基于verilog HDL的BPSK解调的FPGA实现,仿真结果验证良好。ide为vivado 2014( U57FA u4E8Everilog HDL u7684BPSK u89E3 u8C03 u7684FPGA u5B9E u73B0 uFF0C u4EFF u771F u7ED3 u679C u9A8C u8BC1 u826F u597D u3002ide u4E3Avivado 2014)
- 基于verilog HDL的cordic算法FPGA实现。省去繁琐的乘法开方计算。ide为vivado 2014( U57FA u4E8Everilog HDL u7684cordic u7B97 u6CD5FPGA u5B9E u73B0 u3002 u7B1 u53BB u7E1 u7410 u7684 u4E58 u6CD5 u5F00 u65B9 u8BA1 u7B97 u300Bide u4E3Avivado 2014)