扫雷游戏 _徐文虎组
- 这是我在03年下半年做的windows扫雷 用API做的 请大家指教-03 in the second half to do with the windows API mine so please enlighten!
- TX.WebControls.TXWebWord控件使用OCX控件形式实现了在WEB页面上编辑Word文档. 经过了半年多的测试,已经形成了比较稳定的版本,并且实现了控件的安全接口和 数字签名,客户端自动下载安装,不需要更改任何IE浏览器的设置.但WEB下OFFICE 控件都有易出错的通病,希望大家把在使用过程中发现的问题通过E-MAIL发给我, 以便及时修正.-TX.WebControls.TXWebWord controls use OCX controls in the f
- This package differ from other package from the point of view that it support small or large icon. Text or no text and 16 or 256 colors. You can use icon or bitmap to create the toolbar. It is using the explorer toolbar, so you need at least explorer
wow search
- wow 自制c/s搜索器,包括各类搜索,可以完全不依赖ie查询您所想要的信息,代码源程序都上载-made c / s search engine, including various types of search, they can do so without reliance ie you want for information, source code are available on
- 好动动vc,潜入事开发,Lwip协议栈的设计与实现 LWIP是TCP/IP协议栈的一种实现。LWIP的主要目的是减少存储器利用量和代码尺寸,使 LWIP适合应用于小的、资源有限的处理器-well as moving vc sneak into things develop, Lwip protocol stack design and realization Viedo is TCP / IP protocol stack of achieving. Viedo the main purpose
- 很好的一个WEB控件,功能强大。能将文本文件转化为HTML等!-a good Web controls, powerful. Can text documents into HTML so!
- roll应用程序是一个瓦楞辊划分边界单元及图形显示的应用程序。这个应用程序允许用户更改瓦楞辊的参数,划分边界单元的控制参数,显示单元划分的结果等等。-roll applications Corrugating is a demarcation of the border units and graphics applications. This application allows users to change the parameters Corrugating, demarcation o
- 电力系统电机转动实现(VC) 代码说明:在电力系统中,客户经常提出要实现电力系统监控主接线图的潮流实现。所谓潮流实现即是在电力监控系统的主接线图中能够动态反映各线路的运行情况,包含电流流动方向,各设备运行状态等。由于在水电站监控系统中很多用户提出要求能够反映发电机组的动态运行情况,即在主接线图中能够反映哪个机组正在运行。这里我采用贴图法进行动态贴图然后交替显示达到动态运行的目的。当然我们可以采用其他的很多方法,比如CDC类对象动态绘制等。-electrical power system
- this a calculator, it is used to calculate something,you can use it to minus and add aand do somethig else,a lot to things ,it is so good i think-this a calculator. it is used to calculate something, you can use it and add to minus aand do somethig e
- 学生管理系统二、需求分析 本系统具备以下的功能: (1)学生学籍档案的管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生学籍档案信息,学生档案里包括学生基本情况(姓名、性别、身高……等等)、学生简历情况、学生奖励情况、学生处分情况、学生家庭信息、学生奖贷学金情况、学生注册、学生异动情况、学生军训情况、学生毕业情况。 (2)学生学生体检情况,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生体检信息,学生学籍里包括学生身高、体重、医生评语……等等相关信息。
- 对所有方法和算法用Visual C++程序实现,经典的小游戏,吃豆子游戏,可以侃侃哦。-to all methods and algorithms using Visual C program, the classic game of small, eating beans games, oh, it so ably.
- 本程序实现的功能是具有自动选择功能的组合框, 所谓具有自动选择功能的组合框,是指在输入时,列表中匹配当前文本的项目被自动选择-this program is the function automatically selects the combination of functional box, The so-called automatic choice with a combination of functional box, refers to the importation, the
- fterm核心代码是基于piette@overbyte.be\"]francois.piette@overbyte.be的ICS控件改制而来,其中用在fterm中的控件包括TTnEmulVT, TEmulVT, TTnCnx, TWSocket。这里简称TTnEmulVT for FTERM ICS的原作者是Francois Piette,其主页是http://www.overbyte.be fterm的主要作者是fuse@dot66.com, bbs@smth.org\"] k
- 主要根据移动协议要求,要求不同机型不同参量,所以对于界面上有很多要求.这种方法最简单.-primarily on the basis of mobile requirements in the agreement, requiring different models of different parameters, So there are a lot of interface requirements. The most simple method.
- Like so many others, our developers were taken in with the look and feel of the TextBox s ReadOnly property. Compared to a disabled TextBox, it is legible yet conveys a change in the state of the control. You cannot change its value but if needed you
- 不想上传,你非要我上传,我只是来找点东西,你还弄的这么复杂,你要是有空间,我不怕麻烦!-do not want to upload, you have to upload I, I just came to point things, and you get the so complicated, and if you have space, I do not avoid trouble!
- 一套很好的系统挂钩控件包,可以轻易的做出WIN98风格的目录选取框,目录对话框等!。-a good system linking controls package can easily make WIN98 Shuaqukuang style directory, directory dialog so! .
- TextBox controls have the nice read only feature. When you set the ReadOnly property of a TextBox to true, you can t edit the text in the TextBox anymore. The user can still select the text and copy it to another place. The background of the TextBox
- 一个组合框的小实例通过组合框的选项不同,可以计算出不同的正切等三角关系值-a portfolio of small frame through the example of the combination box of different options can be calculated so different tangent triangular relationship value!
复件 ReadXML
- 如果他是一篇使用XPath的XML文档,PMD允许你访问这棵树。 所以一旦你理解了XPath 和关于解析器如何从你的源代码中生成节点树的 ... 哈哈,自己组织了一次星际比赛,难以 忘怀又一次萌发学VC++的想法,初学了下,想跳楼决定先学C++,买了本C++的书,学到class, -if he is an XPath use of XML documents, PMD allows you to visit this tree. So once you understand the XPath